(A)   Upon completion of the hearing prescribed in § 1.303(B), the Commission shall by resolution make a determination as to the necessity of the proposed improvement and, if it determines that the proposed improvement constitutes a public necessity, it may also determine to defray the whole or any part of the cost of the improvement by special assessment upon the property especially benefitted in proportion to the benefits thereto. The Commission shall by resolution approve the plans and specifications for the improvement; determine the estimated cost thereof; determine what portion of such cost shall be paid by special assessment upon the property especially benefitted and what portion, if any, shall be paid by the city-at-large; determine the number of installments in which assessments may be paid; determine the rate of interest to be charged on installments; designate the special assessment district which shall include the land and premises upon which special assessments shall be levied; and direct the Manager to prepare, or cause to be prepared, a special assessment roll in accordance with the Commission’s determination. Any resolution so adopted may be amended by the Commission prior to the levy of the assessment for such improvement.
   (B)   Notwithstanding any provision of this section, the Commission may by resolution delay the preparation of the special assessment roll until after the completion of the improvement, in which case the actual cost thereof shall be reported to the Commission, and the special assessment roll shall then be made for such actual cost rather than for the estimated cost.
(Ord. effective 7-28-2017)