In case the owner of the property refuses to carry out the order of the Director within the time limited, or in case of an appeal, within five days after the Commission shall have affirmed such order with or without amendment thereto, the Director shall carry out the order and shall bill the owner of the property for the cost thereof. In case the owner of such property shall fail to pay such bill within 60 days after the same has been rendered, the Director shall report the same to the City Commission for collection as a single lot assessment in accordance with the City Charter 3 and § 1.306 of this code. The Director may, without serving the above notice, when the owner shall consent thereto and pay the reasonable cost thereof, cause trees growing on private property to be sprayed when he or she deems the same necessary on account of any infestation or disease or threat thereof.
(Ord. effective 11-16-2018)
Charter reference:
   Taxation, see Charter Ch. XI