Every owner of private property who removes or has removed a tree or trees or removes limbs from a tree or trees located on such property, or who suffers a tree or limbs therefrom to be damaged by the elements so as to require removal of such tree or limbs, shall remove said tree or portion thereof from said premises within ten days. If the tree is in that portion of the premises which constitutes front yard or side yard adjacent to a public street under the city zoning ordinance, and is so removed or damaged as to completely destroy it as a living tree, the tree shall be cut down to approximately ground level. Immediately following the removal of such tree or portion thereof, the owner of the premises shall restore the premises to a sightly condition, shall remove all debris therefrom from said premises and shall seed, sod or otherwise care for all uncovered soil so as to prevent blowing of dirt and dust and erosion of the soil. In case the owner of the premises shall fail to comply with the requirements of this section, the Director shall give written notice of the requirements of this chapter and if such requirements are not met within ten days after such notice is given, the Director may carry out the removal and restoration required by this section, and in such event the cost shall be a debt owing by the owner to the city. In case the owner shall fail to pay such cost within 60 days after a bill for the same has been rendered, the Director shall report the same to the City Commission for collection as a single lot assessment in accordance with the City Charter 2 and § 1.306 of this code.
(Ord. effective 11-16-2018)