No person shall:
   (A)   Trespass upon or loiter in or upon any public, private or parochial school building or school property in the city for any reason whatever, unless such person is a regularly enrolled student or parent or guardian thereof or a school official, teacher or other public or school employee, or has received permission from the principal or other person designated by the principal to be in or upon or to remain in or upon such public, private or parochial school building or school property. However, that such permission need not be secured by persons engaging in or attending a school for a City Park and Recreation Commission authorized activity or by persons using school playground or playground equipment after school hours, or when school is not in session, unless such entry or use shall have been otherwise prohibited by a published or posted rule or regulation of the school board, school principal or other person, board or committee with the authority to prohibit such use or entry;
   (B)   Willfully or maliciously make or assist in making any noise, disturbance or improper diversion by which the peace, quietude, or good order of any public, private or parochial school is disturbed;
   (C)   By violence, threats of violence or other form of coercion, force or attempt to force any public, private or parochial school student or other person to give or to lend any money or other thing of value to any person at any time;
   (D)   Damage, destroy or deface any public, private or parochial school building or the grounds, outbuildings, fences, trees or other appurtenances or fixtures belonging thereto; or
   (E)   By threats, intimidation or otherwise, and without authority of law, interfere with, molest or disturb, without such authority, any person in the quiet and peaceable pursuit of an education or participation in school sponsored or school controlled activities at a public, private or parochial school, or while that person is on the way to or from such school.
(Ord. effective 11-18-2016)