No person shall:
(A) Engage in prostitution or solicit or accost any person for the purpose of inducing the commission of any illegal or immoral act;
(B) Engage in gambling or any game of chance for money unless otherwise permitted by law;
(C) Attend, frequent, operate or be an occupant of any place where prostitution, gambling, the illegal possession, use or delivery of a controlled substance, the illegal sale, possession or use of intoxicating liquor, or any other illegal or immoral business or occupation is permitted or conducted;
(D) Knowingly transport any person to any place for the purpose of enabling such person to engage in gambling, prostitution or in any illegal or immoral act;
(E) Keep, maintain or permit the use of a gambling room, table or equipment, or any policy or pool tickets, to be used for gambling on any premises occupied or controlled by him or her; or
(F) Permit or allow any premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or her to be used or occupied by persons engaging in any act of prostitution or any other illegal sexual activity.
(Ord. effective 11-18-2016)