No person shall:
   (A)   Knowingly and willfully use any physical or verbal conduct which obstructs, resists, hinders or opposes any public safety officer, police officer, deputy sheriff, firefighter or any federal, county, state or city employee who is acting in the lawful discharge of his or her duties;
   (B)   Knowingly and willfully furnish to any law enforcement officer/firefighter, police, fire or medical dispatcher, or employee of the city, acting in the lawful discharge of his or her duties, a false name, address, age or date of birth or false or misleading information in connection with a fire, crime, police inquiry, medical emergency or traffic accident;
   (C)   Escape, or attempt to escape or willfully engage in conduct that causes or allows the escape of any person while lawfully in the custody of any law enforcement officer;
   (D)   Impersonate a firefighter, public safety officer, law enforcement officer, or other employee of the city or any government unit, without due authority;
   (E)   Knowingly and willfully disobey any validly posted sign in any public park or other public place;
   (F)   When operating a motor vehicle which has been stopped in response to a law enforcement officer’s signal, leave or attempt to leave the scene unless and until he or she has received permission to do so from the officer;
   (G)   Falsely indicate a lack of knowledge or when asked by a law enforcement officer, a prosecuting attorney, the City Attorney or a judge, fail to disclose, or conceal knowledge of the actual commission of a violation of any statute or city ordinance from a prosecuting attorney, City Attorney, judge or from a law enforcement officer investigating said violation. This division (G) shall not be interpreted to conflict with the right of any person not to be a witness against himself or herself or any other legally recognized privilege or right;
   (H)   Knowingly and willfully fail to obey the command of any properly identified law enforcement officer to stop or halt;
   (I)   Knowingly and willfully fail to obey the command of any law enforcement officer, or any person acting at the direction of a law enforcement officer, who is directing traffic or engaging in crowd control or cross a police line without specific authority or the permission from a law enforcement officer, or any person acting at the direction of the law enforcement officer, who is at the scene in which the police line is constructed;
   (J)   Knowingly and willfully fail to obey the command of any law enforcement officer, school official, the Mayor or other authorized representative of the Department of Public Safety, Department of Public Works and/or Recreation Departments, to leave a public park, school ground, playground, boulevard, swimming pool, recreation area, school building or city building;
   (K)   Equip a vehicle or possess within the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle a radio receiving set that will receive signals sent on frequencies assigned by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States of America for police purposes, or use the same unless such vehicle is used or owned by a peace officer, or a bona fide amateur radio operator holding a technician class, general, advanced or extra class amateur license issued by the Director of the Department of State Police. This section shall not be construed as restriction to the use of radar detectors or the ability of a person to transport within a vehicle an inoperable police radio;
   (L)   Engage in any profession, trade, occupation or other activity for which a license is required by any federal law, state statute or city ordinance without first obtaining, and thereafter maintaining, such license; or
   (M)   Make or file with the Public Safety Department any false, misleading or unfounded statement or report concerning the commission or alleged commission of any crime or public safety emergency occurring within the city.
(Ord. effective 11-18-2016)