No person shall:
   (A)   Enter any dwelling house, apartment, private room, private garage or private outbuilding without first obtaining the permission of the owner, or person in charge of the building. This division (A) shall not apply to any public safety officer or emergency medical personnel acting in the lawful performance of his or her official duties;
   (B)   Enter or remain upon the lands or premises of another without lawful authority, after having been forbidden to do so by the owner or person in charge of the lands or premises;
   (C)   Prowl about the private premises of any other person, either by day or night, without lawful authority or without the express consent of the owner or person in lawful possession of such premises;
   (D)   Drive or park a motor vehicle on private property without lawful authority knowing the same to be private without the express consent of the owner or person in lawful possession of such premises. This division (D) shall not apply to the parking lot of a business that is open to the public;
   (E)   Enter into any place, area, building or any part thereof, without permission or where applicable, having first paid any fee, charge or other consideration required for admission or failing to pay for services as required before leaving. This division (E) shall not apply to any public safety officer or emergency medical personnel acting in the lawful performance of his or her official duties;
   (F)   Interfere with, move, disconnect or carry off any property not his or her own, without lawful authority or the express consent of the owner or person in charge of such property;
   (G)   Willfully, wantonly or recklessly destroy, damage, deface or tamper with any property, private or public, not his or her own;
   (H)   Place any sign, advertisement or any other matter upon any lamppost, electric light, telephone or other utility pole, fire hydrant, bridge, pavement, sidewalk, crosswalk or public building without the consent and authorization of the appropriate official. This shall not be construed as preventing any public officer or official from doing any such act for any purpose authorized by the laws of the state or the charter or ordinances of the city;
   (I)   Mutilate, deface, conceal or tear down any official notice or placard lawfully posted by any city officer or employee unless prior permission is given by such officer or employee to remove such notice;
   (J)   Destroy, damage or in any manner alter or deface any drinking fountain or public toilet or restroom, or deposit or throw any substance in any public toilet which causes or may cause damage to it or put any substance in a water fountain which may in any manner pollute the water therein. For purposes of this division (J), DRINKING FOUNTAIN and PUBLIC TOILET shall mean any facilities owned or operated by the city or any governmental unit as well as facilities owned by private businesses where such facilities are open to and can be used by the public;
   (K)   Open or attempt to open, interfere with, or damage any fire hydrant without authority; or
   (L)   Swim, bathe, enter or wade in any creek, stream, pond, lake, quarry, swimming pool or any other body of water not designed for the public use or not open to the public at that time, or swim, bathe or wade in water on private property not owned or lawfully occupied by such person, without express consent of the owner or person in lawful possession thereof. This division (L) shall not apply to swimming or entry into the water necessitated by an emergency which threatens life or property.
(Ord. effective 11-18-2016)