No person shall:
   (A)   Commit an assault or battery upon another person with or without a weapon;
   (B)   Orally, or by delivery of a writing or electronic communication, threaten any physical violence or harm to any person or any member of such person’s family;
   (C)   Deliver, or cause to be delivered, any letter, postal card, electronic writing or other object containing obscene language or containing any words, letters or marks with the intent to frighten, intimidate or cause annoyance to any other person, or with the intent to extort or gain money or property of any description belonging to another;
   (D)   Accost, molest or willfully annoy another person;
   (E)   Recklessly endanger the life, health or well-being of another person;
   (F)   Engage in any indecent, insulting, immoral or obscene conduct in any public place or place open to the public;
   (G)   Utter any vile, blasphemous, vulgar or obscene language in any public place or in such a way as to subject the public to such language;
   (H)   Commit an assault or an assault and battery on his or her spouse or former spouse, an individual with whom he or she has had a dating relationship, an individual with whom he or she has had a child in common, or a resident or former resident of his or her household. A police officer may arrest an individual for a violation of this chapter if the officer has reasonable cause to believe that the individual is violating or has violated this section regardless of whether the police officer has a warrant or whether the violation was committed in the officer’s presence. Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, a person convicted of violating this division (H) shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500 and cost of prosecution or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed 93 days, or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court;
   (I)   Engage in stalking;
   (J)   Knowingly and willfully engage in any conduct which exposes a child under 12 years of age to injury. This section shall not be construed as preventing a parent, guardian or other person authorized by law from using reasonable force to discipline a child;
   (K)   Knowingly and willfully utter any word or commit any act, which causes or tends to cause any minor child under the age of 17 years to become neglected or delinquent so as to come under the jurisdiction of the Family Division of the Circuit Court;
   (L)   Maliciously, and with the specific intent to intimidate or harass another person because of that person’s race, color, religion, gender or national origin, do any of the following:
      (1)   Cause physical contact with another person;
      (2)   Damage, destroy or deface any real or personal property of another person; or
      (3)   Threaten, by word or act, to do an act described in divisions (L)(1) or (L)(2) above if there is reasonable cause to believe that an act described in divisions (L)(1) or (L)(2) above will occur.
   (M)   By threats, intimidation or otherwise, and without authority of law, interfere with, or in any way molest or disturb, without such authority, any person in the quiet and peaceable pursuit of his or her lawful occupation, vocation or avocation, or on the way to or from such occupation, vocation or avocation;
   (N)   Willfully focus, point or shine a laser beam, directly or indirectly upon another person or animal in any manner which would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, threatened, harassed or annoyed and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, threatened, harassed or annoyed; or
   (O)   Possess a laser-pointing device unless that person is at least 18 years of age. A person under the age of 18 shall not be in violation of this section if the possession of a laser-pointing device is necessary for his or her employment, trade, occupation or has been required by a teacher at a public, private or parochial school as device needed in furtherance of a school assignment.
(Ord. effective 11-18-2016)