All adult-oriented businesses shall comply with the following.
   (A)   No person under the age of 18 years shall enter or be on the premises of an adult-oriented business at any time the adult-oriented business is open, nor shall any owner, partner, performer, contractor or employee of an adult-oriented business sell or provide goods, merchandise or services to persons under the age of 18.
   (B)   The following shall not be visible or audible to a person outside the building in which an adult-oriented business is operated, whether through a window or doorway or otherwise:
      (1)   Any depiction or description in any material of any specified sexual activity or any specified anatomical area;
      (2)   Any novelty; or
      (3)   Any person engaging in any specified sexual activity or exposing any specified anatomical area.
   (C)   No adult-oriented business shall allow the consumption of alcohol on the premises of the business.
   (D)   No person or establishment shall operate an adult-oriented business:
      (1)   Before 8:00 a.m. or after 11:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday; or
      (2)   On any Sunday or legal holiday.
   (E)   No adult-oriented business shall engage in business unless each of the following are satisfied:
      (1)   At least two employees, excluding entertainers, are on the premises of the business at all times the business is open; and
      (2)   The business is equipped with operational security cameras which shall be used at all times the business is open.
   (F)   Any booth, room or cubicle, located in any adult-oriented business, used by patrons for the viewing of merchandise or any other entertainment must comply with all of the following requirements:
      (1)   It must be unobstructed by any door, lock or other entrance and exit control device;
      (2)   One side must be totally open to a public, lighted aisle so that there is an unobstructed view at all times from the adjoining aisle of any occupant;
      (3)   It must be illuminated such that a person of normal visual acuity looking into the booth, room or cubicle from the entrance adjoining the public lighted aisle can clearly determine the number of people within; and
      (4)   There shall be no holes or openings in any side or rear wall not relating to utility, ventilation or temperature control services or otherwise required by any governmental code or authority.
   (G)   No sign or advertising for an adult-oriented business may include any photographs, silhouettes, drawings or other representations of any specified anatomical area or any specified sexual activity.
   (H)   All adult-oriented businesses shall be open to inspection by the city’s ordinance enforcement officer, the building inspector, any public safety officer, any police officer, any sheriff deputy, and any Michigan State Police Trooper for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the law at any time the establishment is occupied or open for business.
   (I)   Each escort agency shall maintain permanent records on the premises showing the name, address and telephone number of every person for whom an escort is provided, the fee paid, the name of the escort or escorts so provided, and the location where the escort and the person requesting the escort initially meet. These records shall be made available, upon demand and without prior notice, to any city official inspecting the premises pursuant to this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 7.54) (Ord. effective 3-30-2001)