(A)   No transient merchant shall, while in any public place, shout or cry out his or her goods or merchandise, nor blow any horns, ring any bell, broadcast or play any sound, or use any other similar device to attract the attention of the public in a loud or offensive manner.
   (B)   No transient merchant shall appear at any dwelling or residence without an appointment except between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on any day of the week. No transient merchant shall appear without an appointment at any dwelling or residence where a sign is displayed stating “no peddlers, no solicitors, no salesmen, no trespassing”, or words of similar import or meaning.
(Prior Code, § 7.42) (Ord. effective 2-20-1989)
   Related provisions, see §§ 9.14C, 9.14G and 9.403A