This chapter shall not apply to any satellite dish antenna which does not exceed one meter in diameter in a residential zone or two meters in diameter in a commercial zone. In addition, this chapter shall not apply to any antenna which does not exceed one meter in width and which does not exceed 60 inches (including the pole or post) in height, as measured from the ground or roof (if mounted on top of the roof) to the top of the antenna. Such antenna shall still be subject to applicable building codes (if any). For purposes of this chapter, the width of an antenna shall be measured at its widest diameter, dimension or girth, and for an antenna with several sides or appendages, shall be measured from tip to tip. The width of an antenna shall not include the supporting pole or post.
(Prior Code, § 5.222) (Ord. effective 2-17-1995; Ord. effective 9-27-1996)