   The process for reviewing a site plan shall be as follows.
   (A)   Application. A complete site plan (either sketch plan or final site plan), in sufficient number as required by the city, and an electronic version, in a format specified by the city, shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works, along with an application for that purpose and a fee, as established by the City Commission.
   (B)   Completeness. The Director of Public Works shall review the application and plans for completeness and, if all requirements are met, will process them as follows. Incomplete applications shall be returned to the applicant without further processing.
   (C)   Distribution. Upon determining that the application and plans are complete, the Director of Public Works shall review the plan, if a sketch plan, or transmit the plan to the Planning Commission, if a site plan, for consideration at its next meeting. The Director of Public Works shall not be required to submit any site plan for Planning Commission review which was submitted less than 20 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. In addition, at his or her sole discretion, the Director of Public Works may provide copies to city departments and/or consultants for review.
   (D)   Decision. The Director of Public Works or Planning Commission, as applicable, shall consider the respective sketch plan or site plan along with comments from departments and consultants, if any.
      (1)   If the plan is a sketch plan, the Director of Public Works shall provide comments to the applicant based on the plan’s conformance with applicable zoning requirements, compatibility with neighboring property, vehicular access and internal circulation, and other relevant considerations. Following revisions to the plan, if any, or based on the originally submitted plan, the Director of Public Works shall, based on the applicable standards of § 5.87, either:
         (a)   Approve the sketch plan as submitted;
         (b)   Approve the sketch plan with conditions; or
         (c)   Deny approval of the sketch plan, if the applicable requirements and standards have not been met.
      (2)    If the plan is a site plan, the Planning Commission shall consider the site plan and the standards for approval contained in § 5.87 and shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the site plan application.
   (E)   Acceptance. If approved, two copies of the sketch plan or site plan shall be signed and dated by the Director of Public Works and the applicant. One copy shall be kept on file with the city and one copy shall be returned to the applicant or his or her designated representative. If the plan is approved with conditions, a revised plan shall be submitted reflecting those conditions and signed by the applicant and the Director of Public Works, prior to issuance of any permits.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013; Ord. effective 1-28-2023)
   Each sketch plan or site plan shall contain the following information, as applicable, unless waived by the Director of Public Works as unnecessary or not applicable to the proposed project. Incomplete plans will be returned to the applicant without further processing.
Required Information
Sketch Plan
Site Plan
Required Information
Sketch Plan
Site Plan
General Information
Date, north arrow and scale
Name and firm address of the professional individual responsible for preparing site plan
Name and address of the property owner or petitioner
Location sketch showing site, adjacent streets and properties within 500 feet
Legal description of the subject property
Size of subject property in acres (square feet, if less than one acre)
Boundary survey
Preparer’s professional seal
Existing Conditions
Existing zoning classification of subject property
Property lines and required setbacks (dimensioned)
Location, width and purpose of all existing easements
Location and dimension of all existing structures on the subject property
Location of all existing driveways, parking areas and total number of existing parking spaces on subject property
Abutting street right-of-way width
Location of all existing structures, driveways and parking areas within 300 feet of the subject property’s boundary
Existing water bodies (lakes, rivers, creeks, wetlands and the like)
Existing landscaping and vegetation on the subject property
Size and location of existing utilities
Location of all existing surface water drainage facilities
Proposed Development
Location and dimensions of all proposed buildings
Driveways, interior streets and parking areas (including number of parking spaces required and proposed)
Location of all proposed drives (including dimensions and radii), acceleration/deceleration lanes, sidewalks, walls, fences, signs (location, number and size), exterior lighting (location and type of fixture), curbing, parking areas (including dimensions of a typical parking space and the total number of spaces required and to be provided) and unloading areas
Recreation areas, common use areas, dedicated open space and areas to be conveyed for public use
Floodplain areas and basement and finished floor elevations of all buildings
Landscape plan (showing location of proposed materials, size and type)
Layout and typical dimensions of proposed parcels and lots
Number of proposed dwelling units (by type), including typical floor plans for each type of unit
Number and location (by code, if necessary) of efficiency and one or more bedroom units
All deed restrictions or covenants
Brief narrative description of the project including proposed use, existing floor area (square feet), size of proposed expansion (square feet) and any change in the number of parking spaces
Proposed method of handling sanitary sewage and providing potable water
Location and size of proposed utilities, including connections to public sewer and water supply systems
Location and spacing of fire hydrants
Location and type of all proposed surface water drainage facilities
Grading plan at no more than five-foot contour intervals
Proposed streets (including pavement width, materials and easement or right-of-way dimensions)
Building Details
Description of building materials
Typical elevation views of all sides of each building type
Gross and net floor area
Elevation views of building additions
Building height
Additional Information
Any other information required by the Director of Public Works, Planning Commission or City Commission to demonstrate compliance with other applicable provisions of this chapter
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013)
   A site plan shall be approved only upon a finding of compliance with the following standards.
   (A)   The site plan must comply with all standards of this article and all applicable requirements of this chapter and all other applicable laws and regulations.
   (B)   The site must be designed in a manner that is harmonious, to the greatest extent possible, with the character of the surrounding area.
   (C)   The site must be designed so as to minimize hazards to adjacent property, and to reduce the negative effects of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes and glare to the maximum extent possible.
   (D)   Unless a more specific design standard is required by the city through a different ordinance, all uses and structures subject to site plan review shall comply with the following design standards.
      (1)   Traffic circulation. The number, location, size of access and entry points, and internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation routes shall be designed to promote safe and efficient access to and from the site, and circulation within the site. In reviewing traffic features, the number, spacing and alignment of existing and proposed access points shall be considered relative to their impact on traffic movement on abutting streets and adjacent properties.
      (2)   Storm water. Storm water detention and drainage systems shall be designed so the removal of surface waters will not adversely affect neighboring properties or public storm water drainage systems. Unless impractical, storm water shall be removed from all roofs, canopies and paved areas by underground surface drainage system.
      (3)   Landscaping. The landscape shall be preserved in its natural state, insofar as practicable, by minimizing unnecessary tree and soil removal, and any grade changes shall be in keeping with the general
appearance of neighboring developed areas. Provision or preservation of landscaping, buffers or greenbelts may be required to ensure that the proposed uses will be adequately buffered from one another and from surrounding property.
      (4)   Screening. Where nonresidential uses abut residential uses, appropriate screening shall be provided to shield residential properties from noise, headlights and glare.
      (5)   Lighting. Lighting shall be designed to minimize glare on adjacent properties and public streets. As a condition of site plan approval, reduction of lighting during non-business hours may be required.
      (6)   Utility service. All utility service shall be underground, unless impractical.
      (7)   Exterior uses. Exposed storage areas, machinery, heating and cooling units, service areas, loading areas, utility buildings and structures, and similar accessory areas shall be located to have a minimum negative effect on adjacent properties, and shall be screened, if reasonably necessary, to ensure compatibility with surrounding properties.
      (8)   Emergency access. All buildings and structures shall be readily accessible to emergency vehicles.
      (9)   Water and sewer. Water and sewer installations shall comply with all city specifications and requirements.
      (10)   Signs. Permitted signs shall be located to avoid creating distractions and visual clutter.
      (11)   Building design. New or substantially remodeled buildings shall be reasonably compatible in appearance with, or shall enhance, the established general character of other buildings in the immediate vicinity.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013)
   Conditions intended to ensure compliance with the intent of this chapter and all other regulations of the city may be imposed upon the approval of a site plan.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013)
    Site plan approval shall expire one year after the date of approval, unless substantial construction has commenced and is being carried on. The Director of Public Works, in the case of a sketch plan, or the Planning Commission, in the case of a site plan, may grant one extension of up to one additional year; provided, the applicant requests, in writing, an extension prior to the date of expiration of the plan. The extension shall be approved if the applicant presents reasonable evidence to the effect that the development has encountered unforeseen difficulties beyond the control of the applicant, and the project will proceed within the extension period. If the above provisions are not fulfilled or the extension has expired prior to construction, the site plan approval shall become null and void.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013; Ord. effective 1-28-2023)
   (A)    Any proposed change to an approved sketch plan may be approved by the Director of Public Works; provided, at his or her sole discretion, the request for a change may be referred to the Planning Commission for action.
   (B)   Minor changes to an approved site plan may be approved by the Director of Public Works without requiring a resubmittal to the Planning Commission; provided that the applicant or property owner notifies the Director of Public Works of any proposed amendment to the plan prior to making the change on the site, and the Director of Public Works determines the proposed minor revision does not alter the basic design nor any specified conditions imposed as part of the original approval. Minor changes shall include the following:
      (1)   Reduction in building size or increase in building size up to 5% of the total approved floor area;
      (2)   Movement of buildings or other structures by no more than ten feet;
      (3)   Replacement of plant material specified in the landscape plan with comparable materials of an equal or greater size;
      (4)   Changes in building materials to a comparable or higher quality;
      (5)   Building additions, of up to 25% of the total floor area but not more than 1,000 square feet, which do not alter the character of the use; and
      (6)   Changes required or requested by county, state or federal regulatory agencies in order to conform with other laws or regulations.
   (C)   Where the modifications are not determined to be minor, the site plan shall require resubmittal in accordance with § 5.85 for Planning Commission review, as required for the original approval.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013; Ord. effective 1-28-2023)
§ 5.91 INTENT.
   Special uses are generally consistent with the purpose of the zoning district in which they are permitted but, due to unique operational characteristics, may not be desirable or compatible in all locations. Factors such as traffic, hours of operation, noise, odor or similar potential effects require that the special use be evaluated relative to its appropriateness on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, special uses may be permitted within a zoning district, with city approval, following a review of the use and its potential impact on its surroundings. This article establishes the review procedures for special uses and the general standards that must be met for all special uses. Some specific uses are also subject to additional standards and requirements to mitigate their potential negative impacts.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013)