Each sketch plan or site plan shall contain the following information, as applicable, unless waived by the Director of Public Works as unnecessary or not applicable to the proposed project. Incomplete plans will be returned to the applicant without further processing.
Required Information | Sketch Plan | Site Plan |
Required Information | Sketch Plan | Site Plan |
General Information | ||
Date, north arrow and scale | X | X |
Name and firm address of the professional individual responsible for preparing site plan | X | X |
Name and address of the property owner or petitioner | X | X |
Location sketch showing site, adjacent streets and properties within 500 feet | X | X |
Legal description of the subject property | X | |
Size of subject property in acres (square feet, if less than one acre) | X | X |
Boundary survey | X | |
Preparer’s professional seal | X | |
Existing Conditions | ||
Existing zoning classification of subject property | X | X |
Property lines and required setbacks (dimensioned) | X | X |
Location, width and purpose of all existing easements | X | X |
Location and dimension of all existing structures on the subject property | X | X |
Location of all existing driveways, parking areas and total number of existing parking spaces on subject property | X | X |
Abutting street right-of-way width | X | |
Location of all existing structures, driveways and parking areas within 300 feet of the subject property’s boundary | X | |
Existing water bodies (lakes, rivers, creeks, wetlands and the like) | X | X |
Existing landscaping and vegetation on the subject property | X | X |
Size and location of existing utilities | X | |
Location of all existing surface water drainage facilities | X | |
Proposed Development | ||
Location and dimensions of all proposed buildings | X | X |
Driveways, interior streets and parking areas (including number of parking spaces required and proposed) | X | |
Location of all proposed drives (including dimensions and radii), acceleration/deceleration lanes, sidewalks, walls, fences, signs (location, number and size), exterior lighting (location and type of fixture), curbing, parking areas (including dimensions of a typical parking space and the total number of spaces required and to be provided) and unloading areas | X | |
Recreation areas, common use areas, dedicated open space and areas to be conveyed for public use | X | |
Floodplain areas and basement and finished floor elevations of all buildings | X | |
Landscape plan (showing location of proposed materials, size and type) | X | |
Layout and typical dimensions of proposed parcels and lots | X | |
Number of proposed dwelling units (by type), including typical floor plans for each type of unit | X | |
Number and location (by code, if necessary) of efficiency and one or more bedroom units | X | |
All deed restrictions or covenants | X | |
Brief narrative description of the project including proposed use, existing floor area (square feet), size of proposed expansion (square feet) and any change in the number of parking spaces | X | X |
Engineering | ||
Proposed method of handling sanitary sewage and providing potable water | X | |
Location and size of proposed utilities, including connections to public sewer and water supply systems | X | |
Location and spacing of fire hydrants | X | |
Location and type of all proposed surface water drainage facilities | X | |
Grading plan at no more than five-foot contour intervals | X | |
Proposed streets (including pavement width, materials and easement or right-of-way dimensions) | X | |
Building Details | ||
Description of building materials | X | X |
Typical elevation views of all sides of each building type | X | |
Gross and net floor area | X | |
Elevation views of building additions | X | X |
Building height | X | X |
Additional Information | ||
Any other information required by the Director of Public Works, Planning Commission or City Commission to demonstrate compliance with other applicable provisions of this chapter | X | X |
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013)