WAREHOUSE. A building primarily used to store goods, materials and commodities, including associated driveways and vehicle circulation and parking areas. A WAREHOUSE may include goods, materials and commodities stored on a wholesale basis before being distributed for retail sale and also a self-storage warehouse where customers deliver and store goods and remove them when storage is terminated.
      (1)    Is a combination of:
         (a)   A surface area (typically a blade, rotor or similar device), either variable or fixed, for utilizing the wind for electrical power;
         (b)   A shaft, gearing, belt or coupling utilized to convert the rotation of the surface area into a form suitable for driving a generator, alternator or other electricity-producing device;
         (c)   The generator, alternator or other device to convert the mechanical energy of the surface area into electrical energy, generally housed in a nacelle;
         (d)   The tower, pylon, building mount or other structure upon which any, all or some combination of the above are mounted;
         (e)   Other components not listed above, but that are associated with the normal construction, operation and maintenance of a WECS; and
         (f)   A WECS may have a horizontal axis, with a rotor that spins perpendicular to the ground or a vertical axis, with a rotor that spins parallel to the ground.
      (2)   WECS HEIGHT. The distance measured between the ground (at normal grade) and the highest point of a WECS (for a horizontal axis WECS, the measurement shall be to the tip of the rotor blade when the blade is in the full vertical position). The height of a building mounted WECS shall be measured from the grade of the building upon which it is attached.
      (3)   WECS, ON-SITE SERVICE. A single WECS placed upon a lot or parcel with the primary intent to service the energy needs of only the structures and uses on the same lot or parcel. (See Figure 2-6.)
   WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER. A freestanding structure or one that is attached to another structure, supporting one or more antennas for telephone, radio or other communication.
   YARD. The open spaces on a lot located between a building and a lot line. The term REQUIRED YARD refers to the portion of the yard lying between the lot lines and required setback lines. (See Figure 2-7.)
      (1)   YARD, FRONT. The space extending the full width of the lot, the depth of which is the shortest horizontal distance between the front lot line and the nearest wall of the principal structure(not including a covered porch, deck or patio attached to it).
      (2)   YARD, REAR. The space extending the full width of the lot, the depth of which is the shortest horizontal distance between the rear lot line and the nearest wall of the principal building or a covered porch, deck or patio attached to it. A through lot is not considered to have a REAR YARD.
      (3)   YARD, SIDE. The space between a principal building and the side lot line, extending from the front yard to the rear yard, the width of which is the shortest horizontal distance from the side lot line to the nearest wall of the principal building or a covered porch, deck or patio attached to it.
      (4)   YARD, REQUIRED. The area within the required setback, on all four sides of a building.
    ZONING ACT. The state’s Zoning Enabling Act, Public Act 110 of 2006, being M.C.L.A. §§ 125.3101 et seq., as amended.
   ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. The City of East Grand Rapids Zoning Board of Appeals.
   ZONING DISTRICT (ZONE). A portion of the city within which certain uses of land or buildings are permitted and within which certain regulations and requirements apply under the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013; Ord. effective 3-15-2019)