GRADE. The elevation of the ground adjacent to a structure. EXISTING OR NATURAL GRADE is the elevation that exists or existed prior to human- made alterations. FINISHED GRADE is the elevation established after filling or excavation.
   GREENBELT. A strip of land providing visual relief between properties, reserved for landscaping, berms, walls or fencing; often between abutting uses of differing intensities or along the street frontage.
   HEIGHT OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the finished lot grade at the front of the building, to the highest point of a flat roof; to the deck line of a mansard roof; to the average height between the eaves and ridge for a gable, hip and gambrel roof, or to an equivalent point on any other roof. When the lot is developed and permits a walkout entry at the rear of the building, the HEIGHT shall be measured from the average elevation of the finished lot grade at the rear of the building.
   HOME OCCUPATION. An occupation or profession that is customarily incidental and secondary to the use of a Figure 2-3: Building height dwelling. It is conducted within a dwelling, carried out by its occupants utilizing equipment typically found in a home and is not evident from the outside.
   HOSPITAL. A facility providing health care services primarily for in-patient and surgical care of the sick or injured, including related facilities that are an integral part of the facility such as laboratories, out-patient departments, clinics, central service facilities and staff offices.
   HOTEL. A business establishment offering lodging accommodations to travelers and tourists for a daily rate and which may offer additional services, such as restaurants, entertainment, and meeting rooms to guests and the general public.
   HOUSEHOLD. All persons occupying a house, apartment, group of rooms or a single room occupied as separate living quarters, regardless of their relationship to one another.
   HOUSING, INDEPENDENT LIVING AND ASSISTED LIVING. A building or buildings containing individual dwelling units designed for and restricted to occupancy by persons of a specified age who are retired or are nearing retirement and wish to live in a community environment, but do not require nursing or medical supervision. Group dining facilities and non-medical personal care services may also be provided. Such housing does not include a nursing home.
(Ord. effective 11-29-2013; Ord. effective 9-14-2019)