(A)   The property owner shall maintain, at his or her expense, the sewer lateral to ensure continuous flow of sewage from the structure to the local collector, trunk or interceptor sewer, and shall be responsible for replacement of lateral sections existing between the structure and the public sewer line.
   (B)   Whenever a sewer lateral is to be extended into the premises, the plumber or contractor may obtain location measurements from the city. However, the city does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of such location measurements.
   (C)   Every structure with plumbing fixtures(s) shall have an independent, owner-maintained building sewer lateral to the local collector sewer line when the system is available. There shall not be more than one structure served by a single sewer lateral connection, except with approval of the City Manager.
   (D)   When a structure is to be demolished, satisfactory arrangements shall be made with the city to disconnect and seal the sewer lateral at the property line or at the point designated by the city. The lateral disconnection shall be inspected by the city prior to sealing. Failure to make arrangements for inspection and the proper termination of the connection shall cause the City Manager to order excavation of the lateral for the required inspection with all associated costs to be assessed against the property owner.
   (E)   Roof drains shall not be connected to the system. The City Manager shall order the immediate disconnection of all such connections. The owner of the premises shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with these disconnections and all costs including, but not limited to, legal and inspection service required to enforce provisions of this chapter. Each day the owner fails to comply with such order shall constitute a separate violation of this section.
   (F)   Footing drains shall not be connected to the system on any structure built after 1968. The City Manager shall order the immediate disconnection of such connections. The owner of the premises shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with these disconnections and all costs including, but not limited to, legal and inspection service required to enforce provisions of this chapter. Each day the owner fails to comply with such order shall constitute a separate violation of this section.
   (G)   Basement waterproofing systems shall not be connected into the system or discharged in such a manner as to cause a public or private nuisance. Prior to installation of a basement waterproofing system, the property owner, or the owner’s contractor, must obtain a permit from the city. The waterproofing system must be inspected and approved by the city prior to putting the system into operation. Given due cause, the City Manager may order the owner to discontinue the discharge of water from a basement waterproofing system. Each day the owner fails to comply with such order shall constitute a separate violation of this section.
   (H)   Disposal of garbage into the POTW shall be permitted only after it has been pulverized by an installed food-waste-grinder unit. Such units shall be installed in accordance with the current Plumbing Code, adopted by the city and enforced by the city.
   (I)   Storm drains shall not be connected into the system or discharged in such a manner as to cause a public or private nuisance.
(Ord. effective 11-15-2013)