Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter, the following practices shall not be a violation of this chapter:
   (A)   For a religious organization or institution to restrict any of its facilities of housing or accommodations that are operated as a direct part of religious activities to persons of the denomination involved or to restrict employment opportunities for officers, religious instructors, and clergy to persons of that denomination;
   (B)   For the owner of an owner-occupied or owner-family-occupied one-family or two-family dwelling to restrict occupancy of the remainder of that dwelling unit;
   (C)   To discriminate based on a person’s age when such discrimination is required by state, federal or local law;
   (D)   To refuse to enter a contract with an unemancipated minor;
   (E)   To refuse to admit to a place of public accommodation serving alcoholic beverages a person under the legal age for purchasing alcoholic beverages;
   (F)   For an educational institution to limit the use of its facilities to those affiliated with such institution;
   (G)   To provide discounts on products or services to students, minors and senior citizens;
   (H)   To restrict use of lavatories and locker room facilities on the basis of sex;
   (I)   For a governmental institution to restrict any of its facilities or to restrict its employment opportunities based on duly-adopted institutional policies that conform to federal and state laws and regulations;
   (J)   To restrict participation in an instructional program, athletic event or on an athletic team on the basis of age or sex;
   (K)   To discriminate in hiring and selecting between one person and another based on bona fide occupational qualifications;
   (L)   To give preferential treatment in hiring to veterans and their relatives as required by state or federal law; and
   (M)   To discriminate in employment, public accommodation, public services and housing based upon a person’s age, income level or mental or physical limitations when such discrimination is required or allowed by federal, state or local constitution, law or regulation.
(Ord. effective 3-27-2015)