(A)   Description of district.
      (1)   The office district is intended to provide office space for uses which do not require any form of research or industrial operations on the premises.
      (2)   The uses permitted are characterized by a low volume of traffic and limited outdoor advertising, so as to protect any surrounding residential uses. The district may be used as a buffer between residential and commercial areas.
   (B)   Permitted uses. See § 157.050(F).
   (C)   Special uses. See § 157.050(F).
   (D)   Accessory uses. See § 157.050(F).
   (E)   Site and bulk provision.
      (1)   Minimum lot area: the minimum lot area of 40,000 square shall be provided.
      (2)   Minimum lot width: a minimum lot width of 150 feet shall be provided for each lot used for a permitted or special use.
      (3)   Front yard: all structures shall be set back from the front lot line at least 70 feet with parking permitted after 30 feet landscape area from front of line.
      (4)   Interior side yard, adjacent to a zoning lot: all structures shall be set in form the side lot line a distance of not less than 15 feet or one-half the height of the structure whichever is greater, as defined herein.
      (5)   Corner side yard, adjacent to a street: all strictures shall be set in from the side lot line adjacent to the street right-of-way a distance of not less than 70 feet.
      (6)   Rear yard: All structures shall be set back from the rear lot line a distance of not less than 20 feet or one-half the height of the structure whichever is greater, as defined herein.
      (7)   Bulk regulations:
         (a)   Maximum structure height: 35 feet or three stores, whichever is less.
         (b)   Floor area ratios: 1.0.
   (F)   Special provisions. Screening and landscaping:
      (1)   The entire site shall be adequately and attractively landscaped in accord with plans prepared by as professional landscape designer and shall be subject to approval by the Plan Commission.
      (2)   When the proposed office use abuts a street, the initial 30 feet of setback from the right-of- way shall be landscaped plan.
      (3)   Parking shall not be permitted within the 30-foot front yard landscape strip.
   (G)   Standards. This district is subject to the general standards and regulations hereof. Property located in this district is also subject to the following additional standards:
      (1)   All operations, activities and storage shall be conducted wholly inside a building or buildings.
      (2)   No retail sales or services shall be permitted, except as incidental or accessory to a permitted use.
      (3)   Dispensing of gasoline front underground storage tanks oil premises shall be limited to the requirements of vehicles necessary to the conduct of a permitted use.
      (4)   Service and maintenance of vehicles shall be permitted only such as is necessary to the conduct of a permitted use.
   (H)   Off-street loading and off-street parking. Off-street loading and parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of §§ 157.120 through 157.127 and 157.140 through 157.150.
   (I)   Signs. Signs shall be subject to the regulations contained in Chapter 156 of this code of ordinances.
(1981 Code, Art. VIII, F) (Ord. passed 12- -1986; Am. Ord. 90-19, passed 10-15-1990; Am. Ord. 98-10, passed 5-4-1998; Am. Ord. 13-10, passed 4-1-2013)