(A) (1) Following the completion of all required improvements and prior to their dedication, the subdivider shall prepare a set of as-built plans. The as-built plans shall be prepared with waterproof, non-fading ink on a tracing cloth or Sepia reproducible print(s). The as-built plans shall be a map showing the actual location of all improvements required to be installed, shall clearly designate any and all changes from the approved plans and specifications and shall bear the signature and seal of the Illinois Registered Professional Engineer who prepared it. The subdivider shall submit the reproducible print for future use by the village and shall submit two complete copies of the as-built plans for inspection by the Village Engineer.
(2) The Village Engineer, the design engineer and the contractor shall make a final inspection of the completed work. The Village Engineer shall then prepare a list of all items not meeting the requirements of the approved plans and specifications.
(B) (1) Following the completion of all required improvements and upon the final inspection by the Village Engineer, the subdivider shall submit the following material:
(a) The certificate of approval and acceptance of the required improvements, signed by the design engineer and the owner/developer;
(b) Title insurance policy, indicating that the improvements have been completed, are ready for dedication to the village and are free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances; and
(c) Maintenance guarantee, in accordance with the provisions hereof. The completion and performance guarantees may be released only upon the satisfactory completion of the required improvements and upon the filing of a maintenance guarantee.
(2) Upon the satisfactory review of the submittals by the Village Engineer, he or she shall sign the Village Engineer’s certification and shall transmit all submittals to the Village Attorney for his or her review.
(C) The acceptance of the required improvements shall be made only by the adoption of a resolution by the Village Board after all the provisions hereof have been met.
(1981 Code, § 22.505) (Ord. 88-15, passed 11-7-1988; Am. Ord. 14-28, passed 9-15-2014)