Sample collection, preservation, and analysis must be done in a manner which assures valid and representative results. A composite sample must be prepared by one of the following methods:
   (A)   Twelve grab samples, each 550 milliliters in size, must be taken from the end-product compost at the facility, in the following manner:
      (1)   Four grab samples from points both equidistant throughout the length and at the center of the windrow or other pile, at a depth not less than one meter from the surface of the windrow or other pile;
      (2)   Four grab samples from points both equidistant throughout the length and one- quarter the width of the windrow or other pile, at a depth not less than half the distance between the surface and the bottom of the windrow or other pile; and
      (3)   Four grab samples from points both equidistant throughout the length and one- eighth the width of the windrow or other pile, at a depth not less than half the distance between the surface and the bottom of the windrow or other pile.
      (4)   The twelve grab samples must be thoroughly mixed to form a homogenous composite sample. Analyses must be of a representative subsample. The sample holding times, sample container types and minimum collection volumes listed in Table B of Subpart F of Part 830, Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code shall apply; or
   (B)   Sampling methods set forth in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods (SW-846), incorporated by reference at 35 Ill. Adm. Code 157.103.
(Ord. 14-21, passed 7-21-2014)