(A)   The person operating the establishment (the proposed license holder) shall complete and sign an application form as provided by the Village Clerk. If the operator of the establishment is not the owner of the property on which the establishment is located, the property owner also shall sign the application.
   (B)   At a minimum, information to be provided by the applicant shall include the following:
      (1)   Owner and operator contact information:
         (a)   Name of the operating entity and contact information for the entity's owner or authorized representative;
            1.   The license holder, if an individual, any partner of a partnership or any of the directors of a corporation, may not have a felony conviction of any type.
         (b)   Name and contact information for the property owner if different than the operating entity; and
         (c)   Name, address and phone number of the individual who will serve as the establishment's primary contact to the village and the same information for two individuals who will serve as back-ups in the event the village is unable to reach the primary contact.
            1.   The primary and back-up contacts shall each be 21 years of age or older and may not have a felony conviction of any type.
      (2)   A description of the date(s), hours of operation, fee and/or admission changed and the general types of anticipated events with less than 100 combined participants and spectators.
      (3)   A traffic and parking control plan including the location of primary and secondary vehicular access points, drive aisles, parking areas, and a description of proposed on-site traffic control measures, if any, such as signage, removable barriers, parking lot attendants, valet parking service, etc.
      (4)   A description of the security measures to be provided to maintain a peaceful and orderly environment before, during, and after the event, with specific reference to: the exterior of the property; public entries and exits; general crowd control plans; and areas of potential high risk (box office, sales areas, areas serving alcohol).
      (5)   Evidence of a broad form policy of public liability insurance meeting the following:
         (a)   Insurance issued by an insurance company qualified to do business in Illinois and rated A or better by Best's Insurance Rating System, or its equivalent;
         (b)   Provides coverage for all claims for property damage and personal injury arising in connection with an event;
         (c)   Minimum limits of $500,000 for any single claim and $3,000,00 for any one occurrence;
         (d)   The village its officers, employees and agents named as an additional insured; and
         (e)   An effective period covering the entire period of the license.
      (6)   Detailed floor plan, where food is prepared and/or served including whether alcoholic beverages are to be served.
      (7)   Information regarding similar events where this entertainment was provided.
      (8)   Information as to what, if any, village support is being requested or required.
   (C)   A completed and signed application shall be submitted to the Village Clerk no less than 60 days prior to the initial proposed opening date of the establishment. The Village Clerk shall have 30 days to act upon an application for a license and shall forward the application to the village Building Inspector and Chief of Police for their review and comment prior to acting on the application. Failure to act within this time period shall be considered to be a denial of the license.
   (D)   Applications for renewal of a license shall be submitted to the Village Clerk by October 1 of the year preceding the year of the requested renewal.
   (E)   The initial approved license shall be valid until the end of the calendar year in which it is issued. Licenses shall be renewed annually thereafter.
   (F)   The entertainment event shall be in compliance with all other sections of this Code of Ordinances and village rules, regulations and policies.
(Ord. 11-27, passed 5-16-2011)