(A)   Installation requirements.
      (1)   No container may be placed in a manner which violates the visibility triangle, nor may any container be placed on public property where such would constitute a visibility hazard.
      (2)   The planting medium shall be of sufficient volume to support and sustain plant materials, and the design and construction details shall be approved by the Village Forester.
   (B)   Maintenance of containers.
      (1)   Containers, plants and their maintenance become the responsibility of the abutting property owner.
      (2)   All costs arising from the establishment, maintenance or removal of plants or plant containers are to be borne by the abutting property owner.
      (3)   Containers, plants and their contents must be maintained in the condition specified by original design at all times. Any planter not serving its designed aesthetical function shall be replanted or removed.
   (C)   Notice to replant or remove. Any container and/or plant material not maintained to quality and design standard, as required by the Village Forester, is hereby declared a nuisance. Anyone failing to abate such a nuisance after notice is given shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and the Village Forester may remove such nuisance.
(Ord. 07-57, passed 12-17-2007)