(A)   General. All private parking lots to be constructed within the village shall be designed according to the following requirements. All improvements shall be governed by Sections 200, 400, 600, applicable portions of this section, the State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, and the ordinances of the village.
   (B)   Parking lot entrances. Entrances to parking lots primarily intended for passenger cars across public street or alley right-of-ways shall not exceed 24 feet in width at the property line. Where entrances are proposed near the intersection of public streets or alleys, the centerline of the entrance to the parking lot shall be a minimum of 70 feet from the point of intersection of the centerlines of the streets or alleys measured along the centerline of the street providing access to the parking lot.
   (C)   Geometric space and area requirements.
      (1)   Off-street parking spaces shall be at least nine feet wide and 18 feet in length for a 90 degree parking angle. Aisles between 90 degree parking spaces, whether single-loaded or double-loaded parking to the sides(s), shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width.
      (2)   Where angle parking is desired, spacing dimensions of the parking stalls and aisles shall be in accordance with the large car design standards as set forth in "The Dimensions of Parking", Third Edition as adopted under the joint effort of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and the National Parking Association or subsequent editions thereto. When covered or enclosed, such parking spaces shall have a vertical clearance of at least seven feet six inches.
      (3)   Parking lots shall meet all requirements of the village's zoning ordinances. The impervious area ratio of the parking lot including access driveways shall not exceed 0.85 or 85% coverage of the area contained within the extreme limits of the curb lines which border the parking area. Pervious island areas or gaps shall be provided at intervals of 90 feet (ten parking stalls) or less to accommodate landscaping and lighting for the parking lot. No credit shall be allowed due to parking restrictions in front and side yards adjoining streets as established in the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 157 of the Village Code.
      (4)   Refer to § 157.149 of the Village Code for screening and landscaping of parking lots.
   (D)   Pavement design. Parking lot pavements shall be designed as set forth in §§ 57.050 and 57.051. The minimum structural number (Dt) of the pavement design for the stall area and lightly traveled aisles of parking lots shall be 2.25 and for the main circulation aisles and entrance shall be 2.75. In commercial and industrial parking lots which will be subjected to single and multi-unit truck traffic, a pavement having a minimum (Dt) of 3.25 shall be provided.
   (E)   Minimum pavement thickness requirements for parking lots.  
      (1)   For flexible-type pavements, a minimum of eight inches compacted of crushed gravel (IDOT Gradation CA-6) and a minimum of three inches compacted of bituminous concrete, placed in two equal lifts is required for stall areas and lightly traveled aisles. Twelve inches minimum of compacted crushed gravel (IDOT Gradation CA-6) and three inches compacted of bituminous concrete, placed in two equal lifts is required for the main circulation aisles and entrances. Other pavement designs which meet the structural number requirements will be considered, subject to the Village Engineer's review and approval.
      (2)   For rigid pavements no less than six inches of Portland cement concrete is acceptable. Jointing and reinforcement of concrete pavements shall meet with the Village Engineer's approval.
      (3)   Prior to the installation of the parking lot base coarse materials, the parking lot subgrade shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor Density. In addition, the subgrade shall be proof rolled and inspected by the developer's engineer prior to the installation of the base course materials. The village reserves the right to witness this test and approve the placing of the base course materials.
   (F)   Curb and gutter. Portland cement concrete barrier curbs (Type B) or combination concrete curb and gutter (Type B-6.12) shall be required around the entire border of all paved areas and accessways within parking lots. The design of the curb and gutter improvements must conform to the State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and village standard details for these items.
   (G)   Drainage.
      (1)   All parking lots having more than six parking spaces must be provided with a drainage system to prevent surface water runoff from the parking lot to discharge uncontrolled onto adjacent properties or onto public right-of-ways. An on-site storm sewer system including storm water detention is required. Prior to the connection of the on-site storm sewer system to the receiving sewer, a catch basin shall be provided to catch residue, silt, or foreign materials prior to entering the receiving system.
      (2)   The minimum gradient of a parking lot to insure positive drainage shall be 1.0%. The maximum parking lot surface gradient shall not exceed 6.0%.
      (3)   The engineering plans for all parking lot designs shall include and clearly define all pavement swales and shall be identified with drainage flow arrows and the gradients along said swales. If concrete swales for drainage within parking lots are provided, the minimum gradient can be reduced to 0.5%.
      (4)   Storm water detention is required for all developments including parking facilities within the village. The maximum depth of ponding on parking lots shall not exceed six inches. In addition, storm water detention can be provided in underground conduits or grass detention areas within or immediately adjacent to the parking lot. The design of detention facilities within parking lots shall conform to the requirements as set forth in the Kane County Stormwater Ordinance which has been adopted by the village.
(Ord. 07-57, passed 12-17-2007)