(A)   General.
      (1)   This section shall apply to the construction of standard or special valve vaults, cast iron valve boxes and curb boxes, all in accordance with the East Dundee Standard.
      (2)   Only four inch gate valves for service lines may be provided with cast iron valve boxes. Such valves must be located in grassed areas not less than six feet in diameter and with additional land available for repair machinery to operate. All other valves larger than four inches in size and four inch valves located in pavement shall be placed in vaults as described in these specifications.
   (B)   Materials.
      (1)   Ring and cover and valve box castings. Castings for cast iron ring and cover and/or cast iron parts of valve boxes shall conform to the requirements of Standard Specifications for Gray Iron Castings, A.S.T.M. Designation A-18.
      (2)   Materials for valve vaults. Portland Cement, masonry units, mortar and other materials necessary for the construction of valve chambers and boxes shall meet the requirements of Section 32 of the Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois.
   (C)   Vault appurtenances. The following items shall apply to all vault structures:
      (1)   Vaults shall be furnished with a water-tight frame and solid cover (Neenah Foundry R-1077-B, East Jordan Iron Works 1022 HD or approved equal) with the word "WATER" imprinted on the cover in raised letters.
      (2)   Both the vault frame and cover shall have machined horizontal and vertical bearing surfaces.
      (3)   Pick holes shall not create openings in the vault cover.
      (4)   Vault frames shall be adjusted to proper grade utilizing reinforced, precast concrete rings; brick or concrete blocks will not be allowed.
      (5)   Adjusting rings shall be securely sealed to the cone section or top barrel section of the vault using resilient, flexible, non-hardening, preformed, bituminous mastic material (RamNek, or approved equal). This mastic shall be applied in such a manner that no surface water or ground water inflow can enter the vault through gaps between the top barrel section or cone section and the first adjusting ring, between adjusting rings, or between the last adjusting ring and the vault frame. Up to six inches of adjusting rings may be installed on a given vault. However, no more than two rings in total shall be used.
      (6)   RamNek or approved equal shall also be used to provide a water-tight seal between vault barrel sections, cone to barrel section, and the cone section to frame and cover.
      (7)   Hydraulic cement shall be used on all vault interior joints (dress up).
      (8)   Seal-tight valve vaults may be either pre-cast or cast in place with a minimum diameter of 48 inches.
   (D)   Cast iron valve boxes for gate valves.
      (1)   Cast iron valve boxes as per the East Dundee Standard are placed for enclosing gate valves of small size in lieu of gate valve vaults at locations acceptable to the village.
      (2)   Adjustable cast iron valve boxes shall be set to position during backfilling operations so they will be in a vertical alignment to the gate valve operating stem. The lower casting of the unit shall be installed first in such a manner as to be cushioned and to not rest directly upon the body of the gate valve or upon the water main. The upper casting of the unit shall then be placed in proper alignment into such an elevation that its top will be a final grade. Backfilling around both units shall be placed and compacted to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer.
      (3)   The valve boxes shall be of a two-piece, screw-type, adjustable design as manufactured by Tyler Pipe, 6850 Series, Item 664-S or approved equal of a pattern of design acceptable to the Director of Public Works. The lids shall be furnished with "Water" embossed or cast in the top surface.
   (E)   Curb boxes. Curb boxes shall be of the buffalo type, with a two and one-quarter inch minimum shaft which sets over the curb stop, and of such construction that it shall be capable of extension to finished grade to conform to the depth of bury of the service line as provided in the East Dundee Standards. The curb boxes shall be adjustable, screw-type cast iron as manufactured by Tyler Pipe, 6500 Series, Item 95-E or approved equal of a pattern of design acceptable to the Director of Public Works. Lids shall be of a bolted down design with "Water" cast in the top surface. An enlarged base shall be provided for services larger than one and one-half inches but less than two inches. Valve boxes shall be provided for services larger than two inches.
(Ord. 07-57, passed 12-17-2007)