For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BONA FIDE NON-PROFIT CLUB. Any fraternal, charitable, religious, benevolent or any other non-profit organization having a regular membership association primarily for mutual social, mental, political and civic welfare to which admission is limited to the members and guests and revenue accruing therefrom to be used exclusively for the benevolent purposes of the organization and which organization or agency is exempt from taxation, under the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States as a bona fide fraternal, charitable, religious, benevolent or non-profit organization.
   EMPLOYEE. Any and all persons, other than the masseurs or masseuses, who render any service to the licensee, who receive compensation directly from the licensee and who have no physical contact with the customers or clients.
   INSPECTOR. The Village Building Inspector or his or her authorized representative.
   MASSAGE. Any method of pressure on or friction against, or stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, pounding, vibrating or stimulating of the external soft parts of the body with the hands or with the aid of any mechanical electrical apparatus or appliances with or without supplementary aids as rubbing alcohol, liniments, antiseptics, oils, powder, creams, lotions, ointments or other similar preparations commonly used in this practice.
      (1)   Any establishment having a fixed place of business where any person, firm, association or corporation engages in or carries on or permits to be engaged in or carried on any of the activities mentioned in this section.
      (2)   Any establishment engaged in or carrying on or permitting any combination of massage and bath house shall be deemed a MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT.
   MASSEUR or MASSEUSE. Any person, including a trainee, who, for any consideration whatsoever, engages in the practice of “massage,” as herein defined.
   PERMIT. The operator of a massage establishment.
   PERSON. Any individual, copartnership, firm, association, joint stock company, corporation or combination of individuals of whatever form or character.
   PUBLIC BATH HOUSE. Any place, including a private club or organization, except as provided herein, wherein any person, firm, association, corporation or partnership engages in, conducts or carries on or permits to be engaged in, conducted or carried on, the business of giving or furnishing Russian, Finnish, Swedish, hot air, vapor, electric cabinet, steam, mineral, sweat, salt, Japanese, sauna, fomentation or electric baths or baths of any kind whatsoever, excluding ordinary tub baths where an attendant is not required.
   RECOGNIZED SCHOOL. An educational institution offering degrees and/or certifications in massage therapy and approved or accredited by:
      (1)   The Commission on Massage Training Accreditation/Approval, hereinafter COMTAA, an independent affiliate of the American Massage Therapy Association; or
      (2)   The Institutional Massage Somatic Therapies Accreditation Council, hereinafter IMSTAC, a division of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals of Evergreen, Colorado.
(1981 Code, § 50.01)