(A) Purpose. The purpose of the preliminary PUD plat submission is to obtain approval from the village that the plans the applicant intends to prepare and follow are acceptable as a preliminary PUD plat, and that any final plans will be approved provided they substantially conform to the preliminary Planned Unit Development plat. Approval of the preliminary Planned Unit Development plat shall not constitute authority to proceed with construction of any improvements but rather an approval of the general features of the plans as a basis for preparing the final plans.
(B) Procedure. Not less than 45 days before the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the applicant shall file an application with the Clerk's Office for preliminary Planned Unit Development plat approval. The applicant shall submit 20 paper copies folded to fit in a ten-inch by 13-inch envelope and two electronic copies of the following documentation:
(1) A completed notarized application form, two originals and the remainder photocopies.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by the appropriate filing fees.
(3) Disclosure of beneficiaries form and statement of present and proposed ownership of all land within the development.
(4) An aerial photograph exhibit of the property taken within the last two years of the adjacent area within one-fourth mile of property. The aerial photograph exhibit shall be one inch equals 100 hundred scale, but no less than one inch equals 400.
(5) Written explanation of the character of the Planned Unit Development and the reasons why it has been planned to vary from the village's zoning ordinance regulations. This explanation shall detail how the proposed Planned Unit Development meets the objectives of all official plans which affect the subject property.
(6) Preliminary Planned Unit Development plat. The plat shall be a detailed plan which includes at a minimum, the following information:
(a) Title notation stating "Preliminary Plat" or "Preliminary Plan".
(b) North arrow, scale (not less than one inch equals 100 feet) and date of preparation.
(c) Name and address of the site planner, engineer or surveyor who prepared the plan.
(d) Name of property owner.
(e) Name of petitioner/developer.
(f) Proposed name of the Planned Unit Development or subdivision name, which shall not duplicate the name of any plat previously recorded in Cook and Kane Counties.
(g) Location map showing the general area of the Planned Unit Development within or proximity to the corporate boundaries.
(h) Legal description prepared by a registered land surveyor.
(i) Boundary linesbearings and distances.
(j) Site data, including, as applicable:
1. Current zoning classification.
2. Total area of property in square feet and acreage, and percentage of each proposed land use.
3. Square footage and percent of site coverage with buildings.
4. Square footage and percent of site coverage with impervious surfaces.
5. Square footage and percent of site covered dedicated to common open space such as storm water management systems, landscaping and buffers, parks, trail corridors and recreational areas.
6. Total number of off-street parking and loading spaces provided and method used to calculate the number of required spaces for each land use.
7. Total number of buildings.
8. Total number of residential dwelling units by type, and the number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit type.
9. Gross floor area for all non-residential buildings/uses.
10. Gross and net densities for the overall Planned Unit Development and for each land use.
a. Residential density. Provide information on the density of residential uses, including dwelling units per acre, dwelling units per net acre; gross and net residential density (dwelling units per acre of land devoted to residential sectors of the PUD; gross being all land, net being gross acres minus land used for public or common usage). Information should also be provided for each unit in the Planned Unit Development, if applicable.
b. Non-residential intensity. Provide information on the type and amount of non-residential uses including building locations, sizes, floor area ratio, building height, the amount and location of common open space.
11. Minimum, maximum and average lot sizes.
12. Percent of lot coverage for all uses except detached single-family and duplex.
(k) Depiction of lots.
1. Residential lots shall depict approximate lot dimensions; building footprints for all multi-family and single-family attached structures; and dimensioned required yard setbacks.
2. Non-residential lots shall depict building footprints and dimensioned setbacks. Information regarding purpose/use and height of non-residential buildings shall also be provided.
(l) Existing zoning and land use of adjacent property within 500 feet of all sides of the site.
(m) Other conditions of adjoining landowners of unplatted land; subdivision plat name, recording date and number of adjoining platted land; actual direction and gradient of ground slope, including any embankments or retaining walls; character and location of major buildings, railroads, power lines and towers.
(n) Municipal limits.
(o) School district boundaries.
(p) Existing easementslocation, width and purpose.
(q) Location of existing streets in, and adjacent to, the property including: street name, right-of-way width, existing and proposed center lines, pavement type, walks, trails, curbs, gutters, culverts, and the like.
(r) Proposed public improvements such as highways and other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the property.
(s) Existing utilities on, and adjacent to, the property including: location, size and invert elevation of sanitary and storm sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone lines (above and below ground) and street lights; direction and distance to, and size of nearest water mains and sewers adjacent to the property showing invert elevations.
(t) Ground elevations on the property and on the first 50 feet of all adjacent parcels showing a minimum of one foot contours for land which slopes less than .5% along with all breaks in grades, and all drainage channels or swales, and at selected points not more than 100 feet apart in all directions; for land that slopes more than .5% showing a minimum of two-foot contours. Any land within the 100-year floodplain, as determined by the Village Engineer or an outside consultant, shall also be shown.
(u) Subsurface conditions on the property shall be shown, if deemed required by the Village Engineer or an outside consultant. This includes the location and results of tests made to subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions, depth to groundwater, unless testpits are dry at a depth of 15 feet; location and results of a soil percolation test if individual sewage disposal systems are proposed.
(v) Water courses, marshes, rock outcrop, wooded areas, existing vegetation, isolated trees four inches or more in diameter at breast height, existing structures and other significant features.
(w) Location of all proposed off-street parking and loading areas, including dimensions of parking spaces, drive aisles and loading zones.
(x) Configuration of all land proposed as open space including storm water management areas, parks, buffers, and trail corridors.
(y) All sites to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for parks, school sites, public buildings, and similar public and quasi-public uses.
(z) Pedestrian and/or bicycle circulation systems.
(aa) Limits of jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional wetlands.
(bb) Any other data reasonably necessary to provide an accurate overview of the proposed development.
(7) Preliminary landscape plan indicating the name, variety, size, location and quantities of plant material for all common and dedicated areas including parkways, buffer areas, storm water basins, wetlands, entry areas, medians, and parking lot islands. The landscape plan shall also depict permanent signs and street fixtures, and a detail plan of landscaping for a typical building area.
(8) Preliminary engineering plan which shall be drawn on a print of the proposed land use plan. The proposed plan shall illustrate an appropriate location and dimensions of all sanitary sewers, storm sewers, and water lines for all proposed land uses, drainage ditches, culverts and storm water retention/detention areas, as well as all utility easements, and be accompanied with:
(a) A feasibility report or statement from the sanitary district attesting to the capability of the existing sewer system and wastewater treatment facility to service the proposed development.
(b) Preliminary stormwater report.
(c) Preliminary mass grading plan.
(d) Traffic analysis or study, prepared by a transportation engineer or planner, which analyzes the impact caused by the Planned Unit Development on the street and highway systems.
(9) Architectural drawings. Preliminary architectural drawings for all primary buildings and accessory buildings shall be submitted which include:
(a) Typical elevations (front, rear and side) for proposed residential and nonresidential buildings, which identify materials and color styling proposed for all elements of the building.
(b) Proposed building heights.
(c) Roof plan for all nonresidential structures, which shows the proposed location of all roof mounted mechanical equipment.
(10) Development plan schedule indicating:
(a) Stages in which the project will be built, with emphasis on area, density, use of public facilities, and open space to be developed with each stage.
(b) Each stage as a separate unit. The unit shall be described and mapped on the project. Overall design of each unit shall be shown on the plan and through supporting graphic materials.
(c) Dates for beginning and completion of each stage.
(11) The Planning and Zoning Commission or Village Board may require preparation and submittal, at the petitioner's expense, of the following for review and evaluation:
(a) Fiscal impact study, detailing the estimated cost which the Planned Unit Development will have on all taxing bodies, and anticipated revenues to such taxing bodies which will be realized from each phase of development. Information shall include detailed estimates on:
1. Expected population of the development;
2. Impact on service and/or operating costs to be incurred by each taxing body as a result of the development;
3. Any major capital investments required, in part or in whole, by each taxing body due to the development.
(b) Proposed covenants, conditions and restrictions and/or homeowner association bylaws.
(c) Environmental analysis or study, prepared by an environmental specialist, which analyzes the major impacts the Planned Unit Development may have on the environment including, but not limited to, the effects on discrete ecosystems, deteriorated air quality in the immediate vicinity and along arterial and collector roadways leading to the Planned Unit Development from a specified distance determined by the Village Engineer or consultant; any deterioration in the groundwater or surface water quality; effect on sensitive land areas such as floodplains, wetlands, forests, aquifer recharge areas, historic buildings or structures, prairie landscapes, and mineral resource reserves.
(d) Market study indicating the extent of market demand for the uses proposed in the Planned Unit Development including an analysis of demographics, sales potentials, competitive alignment, an assessment of the market share or opportunity gaps, and marketing positioning of each component of the Planned Unit Development.
(C) Planning and Zoning Commission review. Upon receipt of all the required submittals, the Clerk's Office shall distribute copies of the application and supporting documentation to members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, The Planning and Zoning Commission shall conduct a public hearing in accordance with Illinois Compiled Statutes. After the close of the public hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend to the Village Board approval or denial of the preliminary Planned Unit Development plat. The recommendation may include conditions of approval intended to be incorporated into final plans and supporting documentation.
(Ord. 97-19, passed 9-2-1997; Am. Ord. 06-03, passed 2-6-2006; Am. Ord. 14-27, passed 9-15-2014)