(A) In accordance with the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (“SDWA”), the National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations were promulgated on December 24, 1975, and became effective on June 24, 1977. These regulations replaced the Public Health Service Drinking Water Standard of 1962. It is stated in Appendix A of the rule that “minimum protection should include programs that result in...prevention of health hazards, such as cross-connections.”
(B) The state is granted primacy over the water program and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) is designated the implementing agency for all purposes of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 USC 300f et seq.) by the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (ILCS Chapter 415, Act 5).
(C) Pursuant to the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (ILCS Chapter 415, Act 5), the Pollution Control Board Rules (“Board”) and the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 USC 300f et seq.), owners and official custodians of a public water supply in the state shall provide continuous operation and maintenance of public water supply facilities so that the water shall be assuredly safe in quality, clean, adequate in quantity, and of satisfactory mineral characteristics for ordinary domestic consumption.
(D) Title 35, Subtitle F, Chapter II, Subpart H, Section 651.102 of the Illinois Administrative Code defines CROSS-CONNECTION as “any physical connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other contains water of unknown or questionable safety or steam, gases, or chemicals if there may be a flow from one system to the other.” The definition includes any arrangement of piping where a potable water line is connected to non-potable water. It may be a pipe-to-pipe connection where potable and non-potable water lines are directly connected or a pipe-to-water connection where the potable water outlet is submerged in non- potable water. If the potable and non-potable sources are separated by gate valves, check valves or devices other than the appropriate backflow preventer as outlined in the regulation, a cross-connection exists. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, swivel or changeover assemblies, or other temporary or permanent assemblies through which or because of which backflow may occur are considered to be cross-connections.
(E) The public water system purveyor is required to adopt and enforce an active cross-connection control program that contains the minimum components specified in Title 35, Subtitle F, Chapter II, Subpart H, Section 653.801. As required by the Illinois Environmental Protection Act and the regulations of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, this cross-connection control ordinance and the cross-connection control policy manual have been officially adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the village to protect the public potable water supply from potential contamination through cross-connections.
(Ord. 04-10, passed 4-19-2004)