A.   Tax Or License Fee Imposed: All corporations, companies and associations not incorporated under the laws of the state, and which are engaged in the city in effecting and soliciting fire insurance, shall pay to the city treasurer on July 15, 1917, and annually thereafter upon July 15 in each succeeding year, a sum equal to two percent (2%) of the gross receipts of premiums received by such corporation, company, or association, or its agency or agents, for business effected or transacted for fire insurance within the city for the year ending July 1 preceding said date. The sum above named shall be as a tax or license fee upon all such corporations, companies or associations transacting said business within the city.
   B.   Report Required: Every person, acting as agent or otherwise for or upon behalf of any such corporation, company or association, shall, on or before the July 15, 1917, and July 15 of each succeeding year, render to the city clerk a full, true and just account, verified by oath, of all the premiums which, during the year ending on July 1, 1917, and July 1 of each succeeding year, shall have been received by him, or any other person for him, in behalf of any such corporation, company or association, and shall fully and specifically set forth in the report the amount received as premiums for fire insurance.
   C.   Payment Of Tax Or License Fee: The agent or agents shall also, at the time of making of the above mentioned report, pay to the city treasurer the sum of two percent (2%) upon the gross receipts of such corporation, company or association obtained as premiums for effecting fire insurance in the city, as is specified in subsection A of this section.
   D.   Failure To Pay Tax Or Fee: If such account be not rendered on or before the day herein designated for that purpose, or if the above mentioned rates for said tax or license fee shall remain unpaid after that date, it shall be unlawful for any such corporation, company or association to transact any business of fire insurance in the city until requirements hereof have been fully complied with, but this provision shall not relieve any company, corporation or association from the payments of any risk that may be taken in violation hereof.
   E.   Disposition Of Revenues: Any and all sums so received under the provisions hereof shall form and constitute a fund to be kept separate by the city treasurer for the maintenance, use and benefit of the fire department of the city, and such money shall be paid to the fire department upon orders drawn by the authority of the city council. (Ord., 8-1-1916)
   F.   Penalty: If any corporation, company or association shall fail to render the account or report herein designated by the day required by this section, or if the above mentioned rates as a tax or license fee shall remain unpaid after July 15 of each and every year hereafter, every such corporation, company, or association, shall forfeit and pay to the city the penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code, upon conviction, for each and every offense, and in addition to such penalty, the city shall recover, in an action, in its name, for its use, against any such corporation, company or association so failing to make such report or pay such license fee or tax, the full amount of said license fee, which would be due under the provisions hereof. (Ord., 8-1-1916; amd. 2001 Code)