A. Lot Area And Dimensions:
1. The minimum area and dimensions for lots shall conform to the current standards of the federal housing authority, but the minimum lot frontage shall be sixty feet (60') for interior lots and seventy feet (70') for corner lots.
2. All lots shall front on a public street, and lots with double frontage shall not be permitted.
3. Triangular lots shall be avoided whenever possible.
4. Tapered lots shall be sixty feet (60') wide on a line twenty five feet (25') from the street right-of-way line.
B. Lot Lines: In all rectangular lots and, insofar as practical, in all other shaped lots, the side lot lines shall be geometrically normal to the street on which the lot fronts.
C. Numbering Lots: All lots shall be numbered systematically for proper identification.
D. Remnant Lots: In cases where irregularity of ownership or street lines would produce remnant lots, the area of which would be less than the minimum area required, such areas shall be added to adjoining lots. (Ord., 12-5-1961)