A.   Street Widths:
      1.   The minimum width of right of way for a main traffic thoroughfare in a residence subdivision shall be sixty four feet (64'); for a secondary traffic thoroughfare, sixty feet (60'); and for a minor street, fifty feet (50').
      2.   The minimum width of right of way for a cul-de-sac shall be fifty feet (50').
   B.   Street Intersections: Intersection streets shall meet at right angles, ninety degrees (90°), whenever possible.
   C.   Street Alignment:
      1.   Thoroughfares: Thoroughfares shall be continued in as direct alignment as topography and other conditions permit.
      2.   Minor Streets: Minor streets shall conform to the prevailing topography of the subdivision.
   D.   Street Grades:
      1.   Minimum Grade: The minimum gradient for all streets shall be one-half percent (1/2%).
      2.   Maximum Grade: The maximum gradient for major traffic thoroughfares shall be eight percent (8%); for secondary traffic thoroughfares, ten percent (10%); and for minor streets, fifteen percent (15%).
      3.   Variances: A variation from these requirements may be made to meet the existing conditions of topography by the city council.
   E.   Cul-De-Sacs: The minimum radius to the street line of a turnaround at the terminus of the street shall be forty feet (40'). (Ord., 12-5-1961)
   F.   Alleys: Alleys shall not be permitted in a residential subdivision, except where special conditions require. When permitted, alleys shall have a minimum width of thirty feet (30'). (Ord., 12-5-1961; amd. 2001 Code)
   G.   Adjoining Street Systems: All proposed thoroughfares shall be continuous and in alignment with existing thoroughfares and streets and of the same or greater width. When conditions permit, main traffic thoroughfares shall abut subdivisions and not pass through them.
   H.   Names Of Streets:
      1.   Existing Streets: Streets that are in alignment with existing or platted streets, or essentially so, shall bear the names of the existing streets.
      2.   New Streets: Names for new streets shall not duplicate in spelling or sound phonetically similar to existing street names in the city.
      3.   Approval Required: Street names shall be approved by the city council.
   I.   Easements: Easements shall be provided as the city shall determine necessary for public utilities requirements including storm and sanitary sewers. (Ord., 12-5-1961)