A.   General Powers and Duties: The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the city, responsible for carrying out and fulfilling the intent and purpose of any and all legislation duly passed by the Council. The Mayor shall supervise the administration of all the affairs of the city and the conduct and administration of all departments and divisions thereof, except the Council and as otherwise provided by this Charter, and the Mayor shall have all such powers as are conferred upon Mayors by the laws of the State of Ohio.
   The Mayor shall be the chief conservator of the peace within the city and shall see that all laws, resolutions, and ordinances are enforced therein.
   The Mayor shall at all times keep the Council fully advised of the financial conditions and needs of the city and shall recommend to the Council such measures as he or she may deem necessary or expedient for the safety and welfare of the city and shall submit to the Council the estimate provided for in Section 60 of the Charter. During the month of February of each year, the Mayor shall prepare and present to Council a state of the city report summarizing the accomplishments of the preceding year together with proposed programs for succeeding years.
   The Mayor shall be the official and ceremonial head of the city.
   The Mayor shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this Charter or required of him or her by Council.
   B.   Mayor’s Appointing Powers: The Mayor shall appoint all officers and employees of the city, except members, officers, and employees of the Council and judges and their assistants. All persons appointed by the Mayor, except those whose terms are fixed by this Charter or by law, may be promoted, demoted, transferred, or removed by the Mayor subject, however, to the Civil Service provisions of this Charter, when applicable. The foregoing appointive powers of the Mayor may be delegated by him or her to the directors of any department or to the heads of divisions. Such power of removal shall be exercised over a member of a board or commission after complaint and hearing, only for neglect of duty, incapacity, incompetency, or malfeasance in office.
   C.   Mayor’s Contracting Powers: The Mayor shall be the contracting officer of the city and shall award and execute all contracts on behalf of the city, except that is otherwise provided in the Charter and except that Council may also authorize contracts. When awarding contracts, the Mayor shall follow the procedures established pursuant to Section 72 of this Charter, with respect to competitive bidding and other matters.
   D.   Mayor’s Right in Council: The Mayor shall be entitled to a seat in, but not on, the Council, and, along with the Finance Director, Law Director, and such other department heads as directed by the Mayor, shall attend or be represented at all meetings of Council. The Mayor have the right to recommend ordinances, resolutions, and motions and the right to participate in the discussion of all matters coming before Council, but shall not vote in Council. At the request of the Mayor, the heads of the respective departments shall be given an opportunity to participate in the deliberations of Council on the legislation pertaining to their department, but shall have no vote.
   E.   Mayor’s Veto Powers: Every ordinance and resolution passed by the Council shall be signed by its President or Vice President and shall be presented forthwith to the Mayor by the Clerk. If the Mayor approves such ordinance or resolution, he or she shall sign and return it. But if the Mayor does not approve it, he or she shall return it with a statement of his or her objections to the Council who shall enter the Mayor’s objections in its journal. The Council may then reconsider the vote on the passage of such legislation not later than at its next regular meeting. If upon reconsideration, it is approved by four-fifths (4/5) of the members of Council, it shall become effective. If any ordinance or resolution shall not be returned by the Mayor within seven days after it was presented to him or her, it shall become effective in the same manner as if the Mayor had signed it on the last day of the seven-day period. The Mayor may approve or disapprove the whole of any item or part of any ordinance or resolution appropriating money, and the whole item or part so disapproved shall be void unless repassed by the Council in the manner herein prescribed.
(Amended 11-7-00)