Upon receipt of such estimate, the Council shall at once prepare an appropriation ordinance, in such manner as may be provided by ordinance or resolution, using the Mayor’s estimate as a basis. Provision shall be made for public hearings upon the appropriation ordinance before a committee of the whole, and public notice shall be given of such hearing. The Council shall not pass the appropriation ordinance until ten days after such public hearing nor before the first Monday in January.
   Section 61-A contained in Ordinance No. 3340, adopted by vote 8-9-38, no longer effective.
   Section 61-B contained in Ordinance No. 3534, adopted by vote 5-14-40, no longer effective.
   Section 61-C contained in Ordinance No. 3873, adopted by vote 5-9-44, no longer effective.
   Section 61-C contained in Ordinance No. 4017, adopted by vote 5-7-46, no longer effective.
   Section 61-D contained in Ordinance No. 4475, adopted by vote 11-7-50, no longer effective.
   Section 61-E contained in Ordinance No. 5535, adopted by vote 5-5-64.