In any such election, if a majority of the votes cast on the question of removal of any member of the Council are affirmative, the person whose removal is sought shall thereupon be deemed removed from office upon the certification of the official canvass of that election to the Council and the vacancy caused by such recall shall be filled by the remainder of the Council according to the provisions of Section 6 of this Charter.
   If, however, an election is held for the recall of more than three members of the Council, candidates to succeed them for their unexpired terms shall be voted upon at the same election, and shall be nominated by petitions signed, dated and verified in the manner required for petitions presenting names of candidates for regular municipal elections and similar in form to such petitions, and filed with the election authorities at least thirty days prior to such recall election. But no such nominating petition shall be signed or circulated until after the time has expired for signing the copies of the petition for the recall, and any signatures thereon antedating such time shall not be counted.