(a)   Written determination by the Director. Any person who has a bona fide controversy with the Chief Building Official as to the interpretation or application of a provision or provisions of this chapter, or other related laws and ordinances subject to administration by the Chief Building Official may apply in writing to the Mayor for a written interpretation or ruling, setting forth in the application the provisions of this chapter and giving full details and any other information, including approved plans when necessary, as may be required by the Chief Building Official to determine a ruling.
   (b)   Appeals. Any person adversely affected by a ruling of the Chief Building Official issued pursuant to § 1382.06 may appeal the ruling to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
   (c)   Notice of appeal. The notice of appeal shall set forth in writing the interpretation, ruling, or order appealed from, and the provisions of all related laws and ordinances involved and shall state wherein the interpretation, ruling or order is claimed to be erroneous. If the appeal is based on a modified application or alternative arrangement, the notice shall describe the modified application or alternative arrangement that can be put into effect without defeating the public safety, health and general welfare purpose and intent of the provisions of this chapter.
   (d)   Time limits on appeals. A notice of appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be in writing and filed with the Secretary of the Board within the time limits provided by this chapter. The time for appeal shall be the earliest of the following times:
      (1)   Ten days from the date of personal delivery of an order to demolish or barricade a building;
      (2)   Fifteen days from the date of mailing, posting or delivery to the residence or business of an order to demolish or barricade a building; or
      (3)   Thirty days in all other cases where the board has jurisdiction to hear the appeal.
   (e)   Appeal fee. With the filing of an appeal, the appellant shall pay the fee prescribed in this chapter. Such filing fee shall be in addition to the payment of the regular building permit fee and any other fee that thereafter may accrue, and no portion of such filing fee shall be refunded whatever the outcome of the appeal.
(Ord. 15-09, passed 6-2-2009)