(a)   An application for a certificate of business occupancy required by the provisions of this Building Maintenance Code shall be made annually by supplying the information and data to determine compliance with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations for the existing use or occupancy or the intended use or occupancy on forms supplied by the Mayor.
   (b)   The Mayor may require the submission of an affidavit stating such information, and he or she may cause a general inspection of the structure or premises to be made.
   (c)   (1)   No existing or new building shall be occupied for any purpose which will cause the floors thereof to be loaded beyond their safe capacity. The Building Inspector may permit occupancy of a building for mercantile, commercial or industrial purposes, by a specific business, when he or she is satisfied that such capacity will not thereby be exceeded.
      (2)   It shall be the responsibility of the owner, agent, proprietor or occupant of “business buildings”, “industrial buildings”, “storage buildings”, “special occupancy buildings”, “mixed occupancy buildings”, and “buildings of uncertain classification” as defined by the state’s Basic Building Code, or any occupancy where excessive floor loading is likely to occur, to employ an architect or engineer registered in the state computing the safe load capacity. All such computations shall be accompanied by an affidavit from the architect or engineer stating the safe allowable floor load in each floor in pounds per square foot uniformly distributed, as well as the total permissible load for the entire floor, and any additional information as required by the Building Inspector on the forms that are to be submitted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy; it shall thereupon be filed as a permanent record by the Building Inspector in the Division of Building and Engineering records.
   (d)   (1)   If it is found that a building or other structure is in compliance with the provisions of this Building Maintenance Code, and all other laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable thereto, the Mayor shall issue a certificate of business occupancy for such building or structure, each suite or store to have separate certificates, which shall contain the following information:
         A.   The street address or other identifying characteristics of the building or other structure.
         B.   The names and addresses of the owner and the occupants of the building or structure.
         C.   The exact nature and extent of the use or occupancy authorized and the net square footage of the authorized area. Structure loadings shall be included.
         D.   The period for which such certificate of business occupancy is effective.
         E.   The method of disposal of solid wastes generated by and at the establishment certified.
      (2)   Such certificate shall not be valid beyond December 31 of the calendar year for which the certificate is issued.
   (e)   The Mayor shall have the power to revoke a certificate of business occupancy if any false statement is made by the applicant in connection with the issuance of such certificate, or for noncompliance of a structure or its use with the requirements of this Building Maintenance Code, or if the owner, agent or person in charge of a structure refuses to comply with any applicable provision of this Building Maintenance Code.
(Ord. 6735, passed 6-10-1975)