(a)   Any tenant or owner or agent thereof conducting a rooming house for transient guests or a hotel in the city shall at all times, keep and maintain therein a standard hotel register, in which shall be inscribed with ink or indelible pencil the name and home address of each and every guest or person renting or occupying a room or rooms therein. Such register shall be signed by the person renting or occupying a room or rooms therein, and the tenant or owner or agent thereof of such rooming house or hotel shall thereupon write opposite such name or names so registered the number of each room assigned to and occupied by each guest, together with the time when such room is rented.
   (b)   The tenant or owner or agent thereof accepting such registration shall also confirm the identity of the registrant by examining identification and shall record the Social Security number, driver’s license number, automobile and license registration number and name of identification produced to confirm such identity and information in a separate log to be kept at all times open only to the inspection of any executive or police officer of the city.
   (c)   Until all of the aforesaid entries shall have been made in such register or log, no guest shall be permitted by the tenant or owner or agent thereof to occupy privately any room in such hotel or house. When the occupant or occupants of each room so rented shall quit and surrender the same, it shall be the further duty of the tenant or owner or agent thereof of such rooming house or hotel to enter the time thereof in such register opposite the name of such occupant or occupants. Such register shall be kept at all times open to the inspection of any guest of such house or hotel wherein such register is kept and of any executive or police officer of the city.
(Ord. 7060, passed 9-6-1977)