(a)   The specific purpose and intent of these regulations is to regulate buildings, structures, uses and related soil disturbing activities within riparian setback areas that would impair the ability of these areas to:
      (1)   Reduce flood impacts by absorbing peak flows, slowing the velocity of floodwaters and regulating base flow;
      (2)   Assist in stabilizing the banks of designated watercourses to reduce woody debris from fallen or damaged trees, stream bank erosion and the downstream transport of sediments eroded from such watercourse banks;
      (3)   Reduce pollutants in designated watercourses during periods of high flows by filtering, settling and transforming pollutants already present in such watercourses;
      (4)   Reduce pollutants in designated watercourses by filtering, settling and transforming pollutants in runoff before they enter such watercourses;
      (5)   Provide designated watercourse habitats with shade and food;
      (6)   Reduce the presence of aquatic nuisance species to maintain a diverse aquatic system;
      (7)   Provide riparian habitat with a wide array of wildlife by maintaining diverse and connected riparian vegetation;
      (8)   Minimize encroachment on designated watercourses and limiting the potential need for invasive measures that may otherwise be necessary to protect buildings, structures, and uses as well as to reduce the damage to real property and threats to public health and safety within the affected watershed; and
      (9)   Preserve and conserve the quality and tree flowing condition of designated watercourses in the interest of promoting and protecting public health and safety.
   (b)   These regulations have been enacted to protect and enhance the functions of riparian areas by providing reasonable controls governing buildings, structures, uses, and related soil disturbing activities within a riparian setback along designated watercourses in the city. Due to the importance of functioning riparian areas, it is the intent and purpose of these regulations that minimum riparian setbacks be given preference over minimum front, side, and rear yard setbacks, in consideration of an appeal for a variance by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(Ord. 06-17, passed 3-30-2017)