As prescribed by general law, the Fire Department shall protect the lives and property of the people in case of fire, and the members thereof shall perform such other duties in addition to those hereinafter specifically set forth as the Fire Chief or the Mayor may order. In addition to the duties hereinbefore provided for, firefighters shall, upon the order of the Fire Chief or the Mayor, perform such duties as are ordered during tornadoes, windstorms, floods or other emergencies affecting the lives and property of the people and, as ordered shall perform duties at school crossings, shall remove snow and ice from the sidewalks on city property, shall mow and take care of lawns, trim and care for shrubbery and perform other yard work as may be directed around city property, and shall make repairs to city buildings and equipment as directed. Such duties are hereby declared not to be inconsistent with their regular service.
(Ord. 3870, passed 1-11-1944)