1101.01   Application
1101.02   Interpretation of certain words
1101.03   Accessory use or building
1101.04   Aged or infirm person
1101.05   Apartment house
1101.06   Court
1101.07   Double house
1101.08   Drive-in restaurant
1101.09   Dwelling (single-family, two-family and unit)
1101.10   Employees, number of
1101.11   Family
1101.12   Floor area, gross
1101.13   Grade (established, finished and natural)
1101.14   Height of a building
1101.15   Hotel
1101.16   Least yard dimension
1101.17   Lot
1101.18   Major repairs, substantial alterations, extensions
1101.19   Metal building
1101.20   Night club
1101.21   Nonconforming
1101.22   Nonmasonry building
1101.23   Off-street loading space
1101.24   Off-street parking space, aisle, area
1101.25   Private swimming pool
1101.26   Roomer
1101.27   Rooming house
1101.28   Seats
1101.29   Setback
1101.30   Street line
1101.31   Structure
1101.32   Swimming pool
1101.33   Tenant
1101.34   Yard (front, rear and side)
1101.35   Zoning ordinance
1101.36   Shared housing facility