(a) Meter requirement. Every existing residential and commercial building in the city receiving or using city water from the city water works, Water Division, distribution system or utility is hereby required to have and to be equipped with a city-approved working functional water meter and remote reader.
(b) Type of meter. Every existing residential and commercial building, on the effective date of this section, shall have an approved tele-tape remote readout electronic meter and remote reader installed, at the expense of the city, for existing structures during and only during the initial change out period of the installation of new meters throughout the city.
(c) New construction. Every new and/or newly constructed residential and commercial building which is, or shall be constructed after the effective date of this section, shall have installed, and be equipped with a city-approved water meter and remote reader at the expense of the owner of such structure.
(d) Approved water meter and remote reader installation, position and care.
(1) Approved water meters and remote readers installed at existing structures at city expense shall be set, removed and adjusted only by employees, agents or contractors in behalf of the city.
(2) Approved water meters and remote readers installed at new or newly constructed structures at the owner’s expense shall not be set, removed or adjusted except upon prior approval of and under direction of the Water Division, distribution system or utility.
(3) If an approved water meter or remote reader installed at a building structure is stolen, damaged by freezing, fire, hot water or in any other manner, or by neglect, the cost of repair or replacement shall be paid by the owner of the building, and all payments and costs must be made in full before another meter is reset.
(4) No meter is permitted in an inaccessible place, and all meters and remote readers must be placed and maintained in a position so that they are accessible for reading and service with unobstructed passageways leading to them at all times.
(5) The location of approved water meters and remote readers and plans for the arrangement of any meter pit, must be approved by and satisfactory to the Water Division or water distribution system, water works company or utility; and in addition, all plumbing must be approved by the city, and shall be so arranged that an approved water meter and remote reader can be set in place without disturbing any pre-existing or other water pipes, gas lines or other such conduits at the building.
(6) At buildings without basement areas, the approved water meter may be mounted in accessible areas of the kitchen, utility room or other protected areas where possible; otherwise the approved water meter may be located in a subterranean pit constructed by the owner, but the design of such subterranean pit shall be approved by the Division of Water, distribution system or utility.
(7) Approved water meters which are installed and are larger in size than two inches, shall be equipped with a check valve and a back flow preventer.
(e) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
A tele-tape remote readout electronic meter and remote reader which is approved for installation or use by the Water Division, distribution system, water works company or utility.
Any water works company, when engaged in the business of supplying water through pipes or tubing or in a similar manner to consumers within the city and includes the Water Division distribution system and the water works company of any other political entity for the benefit of the city.
(Ord. 04-08, passed 2-19-2008)