In order to provide the necessary funds for the service and maintenance of the sewer mains within the city, there is hereby levied against each water consumer in the city a local charge equal to the sum specified in subsequent sections that will be billed and collected by the Cleveland Division of Water on behalf of the city as follows.
   (a)   If the lot or premises is situated in the city, the local charge shall be $10 per one mcf of water consumed as shown by records of the Cleveland Division of Water.
   (b)   In the case of a building or premises which discharges into the sanitary sewerage system of the city sanitary sewage which does not result from the use of water measured as hereinbefore provided, the Mayor shall measure or determine the amount of such sanitary sewage in such a manner and by such method as he or she may find practical under the circumstances, and in such case the sewer service charge shall be based upon the volume of sanitary sewage in such manner as to be an equitable charge upon the particular lot or premises.
   (c)   (1)   Homestead exemption rate. Upon receipt of a verified application and/or notification of receipt of a verified application by the Cleveland Division of Water, the homestead rate for the local sewer charge shall be a reduced rate of $7.50 per one mcf as shown by the Cleveland Division of Water based on actual meter readings. The homestead rate shall be charged for those low/moderate income and elderly and disabled homeowners who are determined to be eligible for such rate by the Cleveland Division of Water and the county. Eligible homeowners shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations, including the completion of an application form, when necessary.
      (2)   Charge included on bill. All sewer charges shall be computed quarterly, unless specified otherwise, and shall be included as a charge on each quarter bill for water consumption billed by the Cleveland Division of Water and shall be collected as part of such quarterly bills.
   (d)   The rates of such charges or rentals hereinabove established are deemed and are hereby found and determined to be just and equitable.
(Ord. 05-08, passed 2-19-2008)