(a) A child isolated due to suspected communicable disease shall be cared for in a room or portion of a room not being used for other types of child care, within sight and hearing of an adult at all times. No child shall ever be left alone or unsupervised.
(b) (1) Every day-care facility shall have a current list of names, addresses and telephone numbers where each child’s parents, guardians or other persons designated by the parents or guardians in writing can be contacted in the event of injury, illness or other emergency condition of a child. In the event of such injury, illness or emergency condition of a child, the parents, guardians or other designated persons shall be immediately contacted by the operator of the day-care facility. For this purpose, a telephone shall be maintained in working condition at all times in every day-care facility. A child who becomes ill during the day shall be discharged to the care of his or her parents as promptly as possible.
(2) Every day-care facility shall have a written plan to cover medical emergencies, using the services of a physician or hospital, and including transportation of the child to the source of medical assistance, if necessary. First aid supplies and a person trained in first aid by a doctor or nurse, having completed a course in first aid which is approved by the Department of Health, shall be available at all times that the center is in operation.
(3) A person trained to recognize the common signs of communicable disease or illness shall observe each child daily before he or she enters a group. Any child who is suspected of having a communicable disease shall be isolated immediately in a space set aside for isolation and care of a sick child. An adult shall be at all times within sight or hearing of a child who is isolated because of illness.
(c) No child shall be admitted to any day-care facility unless such child has received a medical examination by a licensed physician not more than 30 days prior to admission, and annually thereafter. The written results of each child’s medical examination certifying that the child is free from communicable disease, including tuberculosis, and that the child has had the immunizations required for general health purposes, shall be kept on file by the day-care facility and shall be made available to any city official upon request.
(d) No person working in or in charge of any day-care facility shall administer medication, vitamins or special diets to any child, except by the written, signed and dated instructions of a licensed physician prescribed for that specific child. Every day-care facility shall have available to it not less than two physicians who may be called in the event of injury, medical emergency or illness of any child.
(Ord. 60-90, passed 6-19-1990)