(A)   Ever owner, lessee, tenant, occupant, or other person having charge of any building or lot of ground in the city abutting upon any public way shall remove the snow and ice on the sidewalk in front of the building or lot of ground. If the sidewalk is of greater width than six feet, it shall not be necessary for the person to remove snow or ice for a space wider than six feet.
   (B)   In case the snow and ice on the sidewalk shall be frozen so hard that it cannot be removed without injury to the pavement, the person having charge of any building or lot of ground as aforesaid shall, within the time specified, cause the sidewalk abutting on the premises to be strewn with ashes, sand, sawdust, or some similar suitable material and shall, as soon thereafter as the weather shall permit, thoroughly clean the sidewalk.
   (C)   (1)   The snow which falls or accumulates during the day (excepting Sundays) before 4:00 p.m. shall be removed within three hours after the same has fallen or accumulated.
      (2)   The snow which falls or accumulates on Sunday or after 4:00 p.m. and during the night on other days shall be removed before 10:00 a.m. in the following morning.
(Prior Code, § 98.04) Penalty, see § 10.999