(A)   No lime, ashes, coal, dry sand, hair, feathers, or other substances that may be scattered by the wind shall be sifted through a sieve, agitated, or exposed.
   (B)   No mat, carpet, or cloth shall be shaken or beaten, nor any cloth, yarn, garment, material, or substance be scoured, cleaned, or hung, nor shall any business be conducted over or in any public way or where particles set in motion therefrom will pass into any public way or into any occupied premises.
   (C)   No usual or reasonable precaution shall be omitted by any person to prevent fragments or other substances from falling or sand, dust, and light material from flying into any public way or into any place or building from any building or structure while the same is being altered, repaired, or demolished.
(Prior Code, § 93.013) Penalty, see § 93.999