§ 91.035 REPORTS.
   (A)   It shall be the duty of all physicians and other persons permitted to treat diseases in the state, who are called upon to attend a sick person in the city and who find the cause of the sickness to be of a contagious or infectious character or of a disease ordered to be reported by the rules of the State Board of Health, to report the facts to the City Health Officer immediately.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of every physician in the city to report forthwith in writing to the State Board of Health on blanks furnished by the Board the name, address, age, sex, color, marital state, occupation, name of disease and other related statistical facts as may be required of every person coming under his or her examination or care having gonorrhea, chancroid, or syphilis. All reports shall be confidential.
   (C)   Whenever any person knows, or has reason to believe that any member of his or her family or household, a boarder, roomer, or visitor, has either anthrax, chickenpox, diphtheria, German measles, glanders, hydrophobia, influenza, lethargic-encephalitis, measles, cerebrospinal meningitis, mumps, ophthalmia, neonatorum, poliomyelitis, pneumonia, scarlet fever, smallpox, tetanus, trachoma, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, whooping cough, tularemia, undulant fever, malaria, bacillary dysentery, or any other communicable disease listed in the rules of the State Board of Health he or she shall, immediately from the time the existence of the disease is known, if no physician is in attendance, give notice thereof to the City Health Officer.
   (D)   When any person who owns, manages, or keeps any hotel, apartment building, boardinghouse, lodginghouse, or inn and who knows, or has reason to believe that any occupant of the premises has any communicable disease, he or she shall immediately, if no physician is in attendance, give notice thereof to the City Health Officer.
(Prior Code, § 91.050) Penalty, see § 91.9999