(A)   Only members of the Common Council shall be permitted to address the Council, except on petition, unless permitted by the consent of the majority of the Common Council; provided, that the Mayor may address the Common Council at any time; provided further, that any city officer may, when called upon, make a verbal report.
   (B)   When any member is about to speak or deliver any matter to the Common Council, he or she shall rise from his or her desk and respectfully address the presiding officer and upon being recognized, he or she may address the Council. He or she shall not proceed until he or she is recognized by the Chair. He or she shall confine himself or herself to the question before the Council and shall avoid personalities. The President shall not recognize any member as in order unless he or she shall be at his or her proper desk.
   (C)   When two or more members of the Common Council rise at or about the same time, the presiding officer shall decide which shall speak first.
   (D)   (1)   No member of the Common Council shall speak more than once on the same question until every member has had an opportunity to speak on the question.
      (2)   No member shall speak more than twice on the same question except by consent of the Council.
      (3)   All speeches shall be limited to five minutes unless further time is granted by the Council. Time consumed in answering questions shall not be considered as a part of the speaker’s time.
   (E)   (1)   Subject to the same restrictions and limitations prescribed for other members of the Council, the Council President shall be allowed to move for or second motions for the passage or adoption of ordinances and resolutions and shall also be allowed to participate in debate on all matters coming before the Council.
      (2)   The President shall, however, defer his or her participation in debate until all other members of the Council have first had opportunity to speak on the issue being debated.
(Prior Code, § 30.20) (Ord. 0-99-0024, passed 12-3-1999; Ord. 0-06-0005, passed 3-13-2006)