(A)   Appointment; compensation; qualifications.
      (1)   The City Judge may appoint a probation officer to serve in the City Court by making the appointment in writing and by entering it upon the court records. The probation officer shall serve at the pleasure of the City Judge at an annual salary to be fixed by the City Judge at an amount not exceeding that permitted by law.
      (2)   To be eligible for appointment as a probation officer, persons must be certified by the Probation Department of the state as being qualified by having passed a competitive examination or must be eligible in any other manner provided by law.
(Prior Code, § 36.065)
   (B)   Powers and duties.
      (1)   The probation officer shall investigate all cases referred to him or her and shall report thereon to the City Judge. He or she shall furnish to each person released on probation under his or her supervision a written statement of the conditions of probation and shall instruct him or her regarding them. He or she shall keep informed concerning the conduct and condition of each person on probation under his or her supervision by visiting, by requiring reports, and in other ways, and shall report thereon at least monthly to the Court. He or she shall use all suitable methods, not inconsistent with the conditions imposed by the Court, to aid and encourage persons on probation to bring about improvement in their conduct and condition.
      (2)   The probation officer, with the approval of the appointing judge, may act as parole officer over persons released from any correctional institution, upon the request or with the consent of the authority thereof.
      (3)   The probation officer shall keep a detailed record of his or her work and accurate and complete accounts of all money collected from persons under his or her supervision. He or she shall give receipts therefor and shall report to the Court thereon, and shall perform other duties as the Court may require.
      (4)   The probation officer shall have, in the execution of his or her duties, the powers of a constable or County Sheriff, insofar as the powers may be necessary to carry out the provisions of I.C. 35-71-1 et seq.
(Prior Code, § 36.066)