§ 35.009 BAILIFFS.
   (A)   Appointment; salary. Bailiffs of the City Court shall be appointed by and serve as provided by state law, and they shall serve and execute all processes issued by the Court and shall receive a salary, in full for all services rendered therein, in an amount to be fixed by the Common Council. The number of bailiffs shall be determined by the Common Council, upon the recommendation of the City Judge, in the annual budget.
(Prior Code, § 36.050)
   (B)   Powers and duties. Bailiffs shall be present at all sessions of the City Court, maintain order therein, and perform all other duties subject to the order of the Court. He or she shall have and exercise powers and duties of a constable, as prescribed by law, shall take charge of all executions issued by the City Court and see to the collection of the same, except as otherwise provided. He or she shall keep, in books to be approved by the City Controller, an accurate account and docket of all executions which may come into his or her hands showing the names of the defendants, date and number of the execution, amount of fines, fees, or penalties imposed, and the disposition of the execution. He or she shall make out and deliver written reports to the Clerk of the City Court on Tuesday of each week, showing all monies collected by him or her during the previous week, giving the names of the defendants, number of executions, amount of fines, fees, or penalties collected, and forthwith pay the monies to the Clerk and take the Clerk’s receipt therefor.
(Prior Code, § 36.051)