§ 151.020 LICENSE.
   (A)   Required. No person shall engage in the business of wrecking buildings or other structures in the city without first having obtained a building wrecker’s license from the Building Commissioner and the Board of Public Safety authorizing the holder thereof to carry on or engage in business.
(Prior Code, § 151.20)
   (B)   Application; fee; issuance; bond.
      (1)   The annual fee for a building wrecker’s license shall be in an amount as set by the city from time to time. Any person who desires a building wrecker’s license shall first make application to the Building Commissioner on a form prescribed by the city. The Building Commissioner shall investigate the qualifications of the applicant and if he or she finds them satisfactory and that the applicant is reputable and competent, he or she shall approve the application and recommend the issuance of a building wrecker’s license to the City Controller. No building wrecker’s license shall be issued until the applicant therefor shall have shown satisfactory evidence that he or she has the necessary knowledge, experience, equipment, and storage facilities to conduct wrecking operations properly. If the City Controller has been satisfied that the applicant has paid the required license fee to the City Treasurer and has furnished the bond herein required, he or she shall issue a building wrecker’s license.
      (2)   Before the building wrecker’s license is issued, the applicant shall furnish and deliver to the City Controller an indemnity bond of an amount as set by the city from time to time, with the surety as is approved by the City Controller, conditioned on the faithful performance of the provisions of this chapter and other applicable laws and ordinances, and indemnifying the city for any damage to public sidewalks, streets, or curbs which may occur in the course of wrecking any building or structure.
(Prior Code, § 151.21)
   (C)   Insurance. All wrecking contractors licensed under this subchapter shall be required to obtain and to file with the City Controller, a certificate, issued by a duly authorized officer of a responsible insurance company authorized to do business in this state, showing that the licensee has, in full force and effect:
      (1)   Worker’s compensation covering all employees on any work done within the city;
      (2)   Public liability insurance in an amount as set by the city from time to time for one person or $300,000 for one accident;
      (3)   Property damage insurance in an amount as set by the city from time to time; and
      (4)   Worker’s compensation, public liability, and property damage insurance shall be kept in full force and effect during the entire licensed period. Certificates to that effect shall be annually submitted to the City Controller.
(Prior Code, § 151.22)
   (D)   Scope. The license issued under the terms of this subchapter shall authorize the licensee to engage in the wrecking of buildings or other structures and the storing and disposing of or selling the materials obtained through the wrecking of buildings or structures to the extent the storage and disposition are not contrary to law. It is unlawful for any person licensed hereunder to engage in the business of buying, selling, or dealing in house wrecking materials, secondhand building materials, and secondhand building appliances and appurtenances not obtained through the wrecking of buildings or other structures by the licensee or obtained from a person not licensed under the provisions of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 151.23)
Penalty, see § 10.999