(A)   Authority granted; no property right or other interest created. A permit from the city authorizes an applicant to undertake only certain activities in accordance with the chapter and does not create a property right or grant any authority whatsoever to the applicant to impinge upon the rights of others who may already have an interest in the covered area.
   (B)   Duration. Unless construction has actually begun and is diligently pursued to completion at that point, no permit for construction issued under this chapter shall be valid for a period longer than 12 months unless both city and applicant agree to a reasonable extension and all required fees are paid for the term regardless of construction. The inability of the applicant to obtain electrical power or backhaul transport services to serve the wireless facility such that it is operational within the 12 months due to the action or inaction of third-party utility providers shall not result in the invalidity of the permit.
(Ord. 2019-06, passed 4-8-19)